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i wasn't expecting miya to actually hold himself accountable for the deal we had made. i wasn't expecting to be skating around in the skatepark with miya skating alongside me. i really wasn't expecting him to be here, but he was. 

something about the way he smirked at me when he did a flashy trick or some fancy footwork on the board made my stomach churn. the gut feeling wasn't unpleasant, it was...different. the feeling was something i had never felt before, a completely foreign idea that miya was invoking in me. it's only the second day we've formally known each other but, there's something there.

any other time i would see him outside of this skatepark he would always be going on about how he didn't need anyone else, about how people who associate themselves with others have a weak mindset. if he truly believed all that, why was he here with me? if the truly did think that way, why did he always make it to the skatepark for me and me only? 

still, he was here and hadn't told anyone about me, and that's all that mattered. 

what miya didn't know about me yet, was that i was extremely competitive. besides the strange feeling his smirk gave me, it also gave me another feeling. that feeling was the need to show him up. i knew showing him up wasn't going to be an easy feat, but i needed to give it a try. for my own sake.

every time he'd do a flashy trick, i'd mimic him. i'd do it exactly as he did, and pretty well too. 

though, i guess he thought i wasn't that crazy, but i am. he did a trick only he could do, and i knew that. but my competitiveness kicked in, and i attempted to do it just as he had. 

in doing this, i landed on the same ankle i had hurt just a day ago. the pain of it made me yell out, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. miya, hearing this, abandoned his board to come by my side. why he would do this, i have no idea. nobody would just jump of their board and let it go wherever just to help someone else, but miya did. 


i must admit, i was having quite a bit of fun with [y/n]'s  competitiveness and willingness to try and show me up. to end the playful feud, i decided to do a trick that i thought she was smart enough to not even attempt.

i was wrong. 

as i land the trick, i look behind me quickly as i hear her painful yell. just hearing it made my stomach churn in an unpleasant fashion. against my usual judgment, i jumped off my board and ran to her side. 

i convinced myself that this was just me doing what i had promised to keep her secret. be her skater boy, he her aide. but as i arrived at her side and held her face gently to stop her tears, i couldn't stop the hot blush from rising on my cheeks. 

i gently rubbed my thumb along her cheek, trying to get her to calm down before i started trying anything on her ankle. "shh...[y/n), you're okay. i'm here, it's okay..." i told her, my voice light. 

seeing that she wouldn't calm down, her hands still gripping her ankle, i decided to try something a little bolder. i let go of her face and gently embraced her in a gentle hug. it seemed to work, as her crying slowed and her hands left her ankle to wrap around me. 

though my goal of getting her to stop crying had been achieved, i didn't want to let go. her warm body so close to mine was unbelievably comforting to me, it was a warmth i had never felt before. i tried to just ignore it, but it was a feeling too great to just forget about. 

i wouldn't know for sure what it's like but, i'm sure i like her. i like her as more than a friend, even though we aren't formally friends yet. i want to be able to hold her this way without her being hurt and crying, but why would she like me like that? 

is this why i asked to 'be her skater boy'? what does that even mean? 

soon, against what my heart wanted to do, i let go of her to begin tending to her ankle. i figured it'd be best if i didn't mention the moment we had just shared together, who knows if she even meant the hug the way i did? the way i did...how did i even mean it?

"ahem uh...i brought some stuff in my backpack to tend to your ankle, just keeping the promise i made." i said before awkwardly taking the supplies out of my bag.

i had prepared for an occasion like this as i had promised. i brought along some bandage wrap for her, and even some snacks in case she was hungry. i brought a flashlight in case i needed to see better, and i brought us both some water to drink so we could stay properly hydrated. 

as much as it doesn't seem like it at first, i really do care about her. "this may hurt a little because i have to wrap it a little tight but please bear with me, 'kay?" i said gently, beginning to unravel some of the wrap to put around her ankle. 

she only gave me a nod and looked to the other side at the ground. i assumed this would be in case she cried anymore, trying to save herself any embarrassment she might feel. i wrapped her ankle as quickly as possible, trying to make it as painless as i could. 

after i had finished, i felt her warm arms wrap around me once again. i was slightly caught off guard, but i didn't protest any to the hug. instead, i wrapped my arms back around her and closed my eyes peacefully. i had never felt this safe in anyone's arms before, it was almost like safety was an entirely new feeling to me.

i was enjoying the silence, but she spoke up. her words were soft, gentle. her voice sincere, unlike anything i had heard before. "thank you miya, truly." 

"you're welcome, [y/n]."

god [y/n], what are you doing to me?....


every gentle touch. every word. every smirk. every smile. everything miya. my mind, engulfed completely in his warm arms in the cold night against the cold concrete, was wrapped with miya.


miya, what are you doing to me?

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