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--just wanna start off by saying i apologize deeply for my absence! i'd gotten pretty busy with school, but it's calmed now so i'm alright to continue writing! dont be afraid to leave any suggestions in the comments on things you'd like to happen!--

-[Y/N]'s POV-

i soon woke up, a little startled by the feeling of someone's weight leaning against me. the startled-ness ceased though when i realized that the weight i was feeling was miya with his arms around me. i had almost forgotten that i had invited him here, but i'm glad it was him and nobody else. 

he seemed to have fallen asleep as well, but i obviously wasn't going to give him peace for long. i watched him for another moment or two before shaking him awake. i seemed to have startled him, since he awoke with a: "[y/n]! what the hell!"

i only giggled, finding the surprised look on his face quite adorable. wait...adorable? did i just call miya chinen adorable? i guess i did...

"why would you wake me up like that?" he asked, his hand over his heart as if to feel how fast it was beating from the shock. 

"it was funny. hey, you look like this one cat meme i saw." i said bluntly, pulling out my phone to search for the photo i was talking about. i found it, stifling a laugh as i compared the two. 

i looked to miya, then to my phone, then to miya, then back at my phone. i only flipped my phone to show him the image when i looked back at him only to be greeted by a now pissed off face. this face also reminded me of a cat's. 

"this one."

he stared at it for a moment, before dismissing me completely and looking away

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he stared at it for a moment, before dismissing me completely and looking away. i couldn't help but notice the feint blush that was resting on his cheeks, could this actually be the reasoning for his dismissiveness? 

"i'm not even gonna argue with you this time, it would be a waste of words. i'm bored, so let's do something fun."


"i don't know, you think of something."

i sat there for a moment, now that i was forced to think of something that would entertain precious miya. then i got it. i stood up quickly, running off to the kitchen.

running was clearly not a very good idea, since i had forgotten about my still injured ankle. 
"awh fuck!" i swore.

miya seemed to hear my distress, since he came running after me with a worried look on his face. "[y/n], are you okay?" he asked, picking me up gently and sitting me on a stool that was in the kitchen. 

i nodded, leaning down slightly to wrap my arms around his shoulders. normally i have quite a high pain tolerance, but i just couldn't help but feel so vulnerable around miya. why?

i soon let go though, my usual smile returned to my face. i stood up, slower this time, and limped my way over to the cabinets, pulling a ton of junk out of them and throwing it all on the counter. "let's make cupcakes."

"wh- what? you didn't really strike me as a cupcake girl, [y/n]." he said, his arms crossing over his chest.

i ignored him, shaking my head. "always have been, always will be. could you grab a mixing bowl from the cabinet up there?"

he nodded and hesitantly reached up to grab it for me, setting down in front of me on the counter. 

"this is gonna be fun, i promise. i like to think i'm some sort of a...baking prodigy."

he scoffed at me before walking over and standing next to me, setting his hands on the counter. "alright then. lead the way, baking prodigy."

soon enough, one hour and one big mess later, the cupcakes had finally been set in the oven to bake. 

miya and i sat in front of the oven and watched, only because i had insisted. 

"why did you insist on sitting in front of the oven to watch the stupid cupcakes bake? is this really what you consider fun?" 

"mhm, it's all apart of the experience...watching the babies you made yourself develop into-"

"stop. stop that. never ever use that analogy ever again, i'm begging you." he said, slamming his hand over my own to shut me up. 

i flipped my hand over, holding his gently. "if you wanted to hold my hand you should've just said so." i said monotonously, resting my head on his shoulder as we waited. 

"i- uh- shut up."

//sorry chapter short!!! im supposed to be in class!!!!!//

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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