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this night, i felt was going to be more exciting than yesterday. last night, after miya treated my ankle, he helped me walk home and sneak me through my bedroom window. after he had helped me get in, i let my upper body hang out for a while, not wanting to let him go yet. 


"miya, this is the window i normally go back in through.." i whispered to him.

"then i'll help you get in." is all he said before picking me up gently and pushing me upwards towards the window. he held onto me tightly as i opened it and managed to crawl my way through.

i heard him turning to leave as i had gotten through, but i whisper shouted for him as i moved to hang out through the window, my hand outstretched for him. "miya...! don't...go yet."

i watched his face soften as he turned back around to me. he gently grabbed my hand  and held it up to his face. his face was surprisingly warm in the cold night, a great contrast to the coldness i was so used to feeling.

we stayed that way for a couple of minutes before he sighed and let go of my hand. he pulled a piece of paper out from his pocket and handed it to me. "i'm gonna have to go now, can't have you hanging out of your window for me any longer. as much as you may feel warm right now, it's cold. you might get sick, and if you get sick you can't skate until you're better, i won't let you."

he then leaned down and kissed my hand that was still hanging out of the window before turning to run back to where ever he was going. 

i could still see his bright green hoodie slowly disappearing from my sight.

-end of flashback-

when i woke up this morning, i couldn't hear the usual sounds of my mother making me breakfast. it was already february break and she normally cooked me something in celebration of not having school for a week, but the house was silent. 

i checked the paper in my hand, and recognized the handwriting as miya's. 

'here's my number, in case of anything you'd like to tell me:

i smiled and set the paper down on my bedside table, deciding to limp my way out to the living room to see if my parents were sitting out there. 

they weren't.

i go to the kitchen to check for any notes from them. i found one.

'good morning [y/n], your mother and i have decided to take a trip this break, but decided you needed some time alone. we won't be able to come to your aide if anything goes wrong, so i suggest you invite a friend or something to keep you company this break. have a good time! 
-love, mom and dad'

alright then. i thought for a moment about who i could possibly invite, since despite what my parents think, i don't have many friends i trust enough to invite over. 

then it hit me. i had miya's phone number now. would inviting him over be too much? would he even want to stay with me that long? i pushed those thoughts aside, realizing that my thoughts when i'm alone for a week could be even worse.

i limped my way back to my room and grabbed my phone and the paper from my bedside table. i carefully put the number in and sent a text to invite him over.

'hey skater boy :)
my parents are gone for the break and said i could 
invite someone over to keep me company,
 you're the only company i enjoy, so
...wanna stay with me for the week?'

he read the message, but didn't respond to me. oh well, i guess staying alone wouldn't be too bad-

i was cut off by my familiar text tone going off in my lap.

'apologies for the late response, i had to ask my parents 

to make sure it was okay, they said yes :)send me your address and i'll walk myself over'

to say i was happy was quite the understatement. i was completely overjoyed. 

i hobbled my way around to house to make sure things were okay and clean, and that he wouldn't find any embarrassing photos of me if he decided to take a look around the house. 

by the time i had finished doing this, i heard a knock at the door. i gasped as a large smile came onto my face. i didn't find myself smiling much these days, but with the thought of being with miya all the time in my brain i just couldn't help it. i made my way to the door and unlocked it, opening it carefully. 

i saw miya there in front of me, holding a bag with what one can only assume to be changes of clothes for the coming days of the week. "ah, come in miya!" i said happily, hopping my way to the side so he could walk in. he took off his shoes by the door politely and set his bag down next to them, staring at me for a moment before looking away awkwardly. 

"how's your ankle feeling?..." he asked me, an odd blush dusting his face. 

"ah, it still hurts quite a bit, but it'll get better!" 

"if it hurts then you need to sit down." he said bluntly before closing the front door, walking towards me, and picking me up gently. he slung me over his shoulder and began walking over to where he saw our couch in the home. he gently set me down on it and sat down next to me. "there, now rest."

"but i don't wanna."



"i won't speak to you until you agree to stay sitting."

"you wouldn't dare." 

but he didn't respond to me, he just crossed his arms over his shoulders and looked the other way. at first i didn't think he was being serious, but i guess i was wrong. 

"alright alright, brat, i'll keep sitting!" i said in an annoyed tone, sinking deeper into the couch. 

"good, you didn't get enough sleep  last night. i can tell. so how about you take a small nap so you can have enough energy for the day?" he suggested. 

i was going to protest, but his tone was so gentle and genuine that i just couldn't bring myself to give any objections. i just nodded.

to get a little more comfortable, i rested my head against his shoulder. it was surprisingly comfortable, more so than i was expecting it to be. i was even more comfortable when he wrapped his arms ever so gently around my own shoulders. he didn't try anything more, but he didn't dare do anything less. 

it was just me and miya. miya and me. 

this warm feeling was enough to calm me down enough to drift off into the warm world of slumber for just a while longer. 

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