Chapter Ten

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Emyra swooped over the ocean on Blizzard's back. The great dragon dipped his chest into the spray, making it fly upwards in droplets just behind his wings. Emyra stood up and strode carefully down his back, then stretched out her hand and let the freezing water dampen it. She then wiped the cool liquid on her face. It felt refreshing - it was surprisingly warm weather. Not enough to melt anything, but it was a nice change from absolutely freezing.

Slowly, the mist in front of them cleared and the forest came into view. The two Night Furies were waiting on the shore, looking nervous. They exchanged a glance, then Darkflight took off and flew over to her rider, her dark wings beating steadily.

Blizzard immediately sensed her concern. What's wrong?

Darkflight swallowed. Her fearful expression worried them both. It took a lot to make a Night Fury afraid. Stormfly's gone. She was taken.

"By who?"

She narrowed her eyes, their iciness sending a shiver down Emyra's spine. I'd bet my wings it was Something Else.

Emyra bit her lip. They had failed. And now they had no Tracker Class, no sense of where to go.

Does Hiccup know?

Darkflight gave a subtle nod, and with that, Emyra and her dragons sped towards the land.

Hiccup had emerged from the trees and was beside Toothless. Emyra swiftly got off Blizzards's back and landed on the ground with a thump. She reached into one of the saddle bags then promptly tossed the stirrup mechanism to Hiccup before could say anything.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible. They know where we are, we have to move!"

Hiccup placed the metal down. "Slow down, Emyra."

Emyra paused, then nodded.

"What happened with the Vikings?" he asked, calling over his shoulder as he wandered back to the fire. Emyra followed.

"I, er..." she swallowed. "I met my father."

Hiccup's eyes widened. "You did?"

Emyra narrowed her eyes. "No, idiot, I was just making it up to amuse you."

"Right, right, sorry..." He paused, noticing the sword at her side. "What's that?"

She drew the thing out of it's sheath. "I bought it while I was there. From Erik."

Hiccup nodded and sat down on one of the logs surrounding the fire, which wasn't going at this point. Toothless lay obediently in front of him, resting his chin on his paws near Emyra so his rider could fix the tail fin. Emyra leant forward, lay the sword beside her, and absent-mindedly started scratching Toothless behind one ear.

"Do I owe you anything? Any money?" Hiccup said after a while, and Emyra shook her head. Then she remembered the clothes. She abruptly got up, and Toothless let out a whine-like sound in protest. "Be right back," she promised, dashing over to the pile of saddle bags.

She rummaged through them until she found the right one, then walked back along the beach. The air was rather chilly again, but the water seemed ever so slightly warmer in comparison. She stood there for a moment as the waves crashed in, then turned her back, and continued towards Hiccup.

She tossed him the bag, and he made a quiet 'oof' sound as it hit him in the stomach. Emyra couldn't conceal a grin. Weakling.

The dragon rider opened the bag and pulled out it's contents, examining them. "You didn't have to get these," he remarked.

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