Chapter Five

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Toothless thrust Hiccup away and sent a plasma blast at the ice. It cracked, slightly.

Hiccup couldn't hold his breath anymore. He looked back at his friend - his lungs were larger, so he'd be able to stay under for another minute or so (hopefully) so he went back up to the surface for a gulp of air, then ducked under again.

The ice was slowly breaking apart, but the dragon's plasma blasts were getting progressively weaker. He looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open. Hiccup swam over with his sword and started to slash at the ice - the fire wouldn't burn underwater.

They both looked around as another dark shape entered the water. Darkflight's blue eyes gleamed as the scales along the ridges on her back glowed a dull crimson, and started blasting the ice apart. Blizzard entered the water from the other side, with Emyra on his back, wielding the axe.

In about half a minute Toothless was free. The dragon riders hauled him to the surface, and Toothless coughed and spluttered weakly. The woolly howl used his tail to support Hiccup's night fury from underneath so Toothless didn't have to to swim.

Hiccup wondered briefly about the red on Darkflight, but was more focused on how cold he was. "Where...can we...find some land..." He said quietly, his teeth chattering.

"Not far."

"Toothless can't fly."

Darkflight finally emerged with a fish, then sneezed, and burst out of the water, hovering awkwardly. Stormfly had been keeping watch. Emyra tossed the axe to her, and Blizzard took Toothless to carry him as they flew - he was about twice the night fury's size.

Emyra grabbed Darkflight's leg, and climbed onto her back, inviting Hiccup to sit behind her. The red on her night fury's scales was gone.

The dragon rider examined Hiccup - his skin was pale, he was shivering, and his breathing had slowed. She and Darkflight exchanged an uneasy glance. Toothless seemed to be faring better. He caught Emyra's eye and gave her a slight 'I'm fine' sort of grimace. She tossed him the fish.

"Let's go to nearest island - the snowy, forested one."

Blizzard paused, then nodded, setting off with Stormfly and Darkflight close behind him.

They arrived in about half an hour. Blizzard released Toothless, and he glided carefully down to the pine-needle-and-snow-covered ground. Darkflight lit a fire.

Toothless and Stormfly exchanged a mischievous glance, and raced towards one of the trees, knocking it over. The took an end each in their mouths and tried to pull it away from the other. Darkflight caught on quickly and raced over to join them, curious.

Blizzard watched in amusement as the younger dragons played, then turned to Hiccup. Emyra was guiding him closer to the fire.

"Hiccup, you have hypothermia, but it's not really bad. You'll live - you're conscious. Do you have a spare change of clothes?"

Hiccup's eyes widened. "You want me to take off my clothes?"

"Well, yes! They're wet and freezing! Which saddlebag are some dry ones in?"

Hiccup hesitated. "The one closest to the shore. No - to the left - that's it."

Emyra tossed the bag over to him and he opened it, pulling out some warm, dry clothing.

"Now...go away..." He said testily, shivering. Emyra nodded, not keen to see Hiccup change.

She took the bow and arrows from the pile of saddlebags, strung the bow and slung the quiver over her shoulder. Her jacket was strangely waterproof, so she just emptied some water out of her boots, not bothering to change the rest. Then she headed into the forest, an arrow knocked to the bow.

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