Hurtful losses

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(ok I give up you're an impossible person to reason with) Reagan's interviewer said, Reagan replied (aww thank you) she then got up and left, while she was going home she got a call from her mother, (I saw your interview on tv, you were great sweetie) her mother said, Reagan replied (thanks mom, I'm almost home do you need me to get anything?) (yes I need a block of cheese and two lofts of bread, for dinner) her mother said, Reagan replied (ok I'll see you in bit mom) she then hung up the phone and stopped at the super market, she got what her mom wanted her to get and returned home, when she got home the door was slightly cracked open, she pushed the door open and saw a blood trail on the floor , she followed the blood up the stairs to her mothers room where she saw her mother coughing up blood on the floor taking her last breath

(ok I give up you're an impossible person to reason with) Reagan's interviewer said, Reagan replied (aww thank you) she then got up and left, while she was going home she got a call from her mother, (I saw your interview on tv, you were great swee...

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Reagan then called the police both afraid for her mom's life and for her own, an ambulance came within the hour, they took her and her mother to the hospital, even though Reagan didn't have any symptoms they couldn't take the chance and quarantined her

(I'm very sorry for all that you're going through mam but you'll have to stay here until we know for sure that you didn't contract the virus it shouldn't take more than two months before we know for sure if you have to virus or not) the doctor sai...

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(I'm very sorry for all that you're going through mam but you'll have to stay here until we know for sure that you didn't contract the virus it shouldn't take more than two months before we know for sure if you have to virus or not) the doctor said, Reagan replied (two months I have to stay here in this hospital after seeing my mother cough up blood on the ground, you know everything I said about the government was completely true you're all frauds who don't know how to run this country, you keep telling people that there's nothing to worry about then how can you explain my mother getting the virus) (mam please I'm just trying to do my job (The virus has made it's way into our country taking it's first victim and putting her in critical condition, we were prepared to deal with such cases if the virus was to ever make it's way into our country, there's no need for panic or worry because we have everything under control there's only been one case and we've already quarantined anyone that may have come into any kind of physical contact with her, we've fully neutralized the situation and there's no need for panic, as for how she may of contracted the virus is still unclear but we're doing everything in our power to ensure the safety of our nation.)


(we're running out of blankets, oxygen tanks, beds and most of our food supplies are completely gone, how are we supposed to take care of these people without the proper equipments?) Natasha said, her assistant Joseph

(we're running out of blankets, oxygen tanks, beds and most of our food supplies are completely gone, how are we supposed to take care of these people without the proper equipments?) Natasha said, her assistant Joseph

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replied (I-I'm not sure mam) (mam?! Am I that old to you?) Natasha said when her friend Elila

came into the room and said (don't be so hard on the new guy Natasha he'll eventually learn how to do his job right) (whatever I'm gonna go find someone that knows how to do this job right to get everything restocked) Natasha said as she walked aw...

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came into the room and said (don't be so hard on the new guy Natasha he'll eventually learn how to do his job right) (whatever I'm gonna go find someone that knows how to do this job right to get everything restocked) Natasha said as she walked away (t-thank you for helping me) Joseph said, Elila replied (yea whatever new guy just stay out of my way and don't cause anymore trouble) Elila then returned home about an hour later, her house was big but empty because the love of her life Jacob

couldn't be with her because of the virus, it was the same thing she did everyday, wake up early go to work come back hope tired and fed up of seeing all those people suffering from the virus and messages her boyfriend about her day while eating a...

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couldn't be with her because of the virus, it was the same thing she did everyday, wake up early go to work come back hope tired and fed up of seeing all those people suffering from the virus and messages her boyfriend about her day while eating a container of her favorite ice-cream, it's a very hard burden she has to live with everyday not even being in the same country with the person she loves most, she came to Jamaica for a well deserved vacation but it turned into a nightmare, how does she do it? how can she keep going even through the toughest times, no one knows for sure but she is surely a strong and hard driven person to keep going through the challenges she faces everyday.


thanks to everyone's support and to every single reader that reads this book I'm thinking of challenging myself a bit to make myself more serious about writing by posting a new book and I would like to dedicate this chapter to someone very close to me @KeishaRayKay I just wanna tell you that you're my closest friend and it'll always be that way ✌😁😁 and I'll never leave your side no matter what.

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