the beginning

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Everyone was living a normal life until the day that virus broke. No one is sure what caused it but it came from the country Grenada  and spread like wild fire within two months. Over  14000 people was infected with this virus and people got infected when some one coughs or sneezes on them,  then immediately the virus would spread throughout a person's body. A person could gain symptoms  in just a couple of hours after getting it, the symptoms includes, boils and rashes on the skin, headaches, vomiting, coughing up blood and bleeding through the eyes mouth and noise, though the most common symptoms are uncontrollable sneezing and coughing, if a person doesn't seek medical attention they would suffer heart attack, stroke, coma and most likely death. August 3 1492 Christopher Columbus set sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the new world, everyone should know that story but what no one knows Christopher Columbus found some thing on his voyage to the new world on May 30 1498 a deadly virus capable of wiping out  the entire world. as the source of the virus was never documented he mentioned that the virus will one day be the world's worst dilemma. And now 533 years later the year is July 22 2031 technology has evolved into a new era crime has decreased by 90% within last decade alone. But lets see how the world is going to change by this virus.


Grenada what a lovely place to be, the beaches, the forest and those amazing waterfalls who wouldn't want to come to this beautiful island, well I'll say the whole world because this is where the virus started.

Grenada what a lovely place to be, the beaches, the forest and those amazing waterfalls who wouldn't want to come to this beautiful island, well I'll say the whole world because this is where the virus started

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(these pigs looks good) Tony said

 the seller replied (yea these are the new ones) (great I'll take them all, I need them for the opening of my restaurant) Tony said

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 the seller replied (yea these are the new ones) (great I'll take them all, I need them for the opening of my restaurant) Tony said. All of the pigs were delivered to the man's restaurant, Tony and his chefs worked hard to maintain their schedule (uh sir you have that interview with that news reporter now) Jim said, Tony replied (dam it, I forgot about that, ok you're in charge now I'll do the interview now)

 All of the pigs were delivered to the man's restaurant, Tony and his chefs worked hard to maintain their schedule (uh sir you have that interview with that news reporter now) Jim said, Tony replied (dam it, I forgot about that, ok you're in charg...

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(Mr. Tony Anderson, its a pleasure to meet you, you've made quite a name for yourself so, can you tell me what made you decide to own your own restaurant?) Donald asked, Tony replied (well, I always had a passion for cooking and now I just want to share my passion and talent with other people, this restaurant is the best way to do that) (how old were you when you started cooking?) Donald asked, Tony replied (I first started cooking at the age of 10, I helped my mom to cook one Sunday when she wasn't feeling well, since that day I've been cooking until I graduated from collage and eventually got my masters degree in business, restaurant management, culinary arts, baking and pastry arts, I've been building this place for two years and I'm going to put on an amazing show) (wow well I can't wait for tonight I guess) Donald said, Tony replied (my restaurant is going to change the world) they then shock hands before Donald left. Donald woke up sick the next morning, he called his boss and said (I'm really sorry but I won't be able to make it today I came down with the flu) (god damit Donald you had that interview with Vin Diesel today who the hell am I going to replace you with?) his boss said, Donald replied (I don't know, I don't care, I'm sure you can find someone else you have over a hundred reporters working for you, I'm sure you can find someone else) (you're so lucky you're under contract with me) his boss said, Donald replied (aww thanks for telling me to feel better soon boss) Donald then hung up the phone, he then started to feel weak and he started to sweat, and crawled to the couch and called his mother (mom I need your help to get to the hospital I can barely even walk) (ok I'll come over right now) his mother replied. When she got over to his house she saw Donald on the couch dead with blood all over his body, she immediately called the police (I've seen a lot of things but I've never seen anything like this before) the police said, the other office replied (we should stay back, we have no idea what we're dealing with yet but until we do this stays inside the department.) It was after they did an autopsy when they realized that he died from a never seen before virus, they started to trace back his steps and realized that he came from the restaurant, they also called his mother in knowing that there was a chance that she had contracted the virus, they brought together a group of scientist to study the virus, they realized that it had the DNA of several different animals including pigs and bats they called it peste reine which is French for queen plague. One week after, 20 cases of people dying in similar ways to Donald had been reported the Prime Minister of Grenada officially made a statement (good day everyone, it seems that we have a new virus among us, we're still not sure where it came from but it seems to have been transferred from pig to human, 20 cases of this virus have been reported so far no one has survived, scientist are calling it peste reine, this is an official epidemic and I encourage everyone to do everything necessary to protect yourselves and your families and please if you have any of the following symptoms, incontrollable coughing, sneezing of blood, weakness in your body, blood clotting redness in the eyes, heart pain or breathing problems please visit the nearest hospital as soon as possible, we don't know much about this virus yet and we still don't have a cure or a easy way to find the virus in people so please take this seriously, I'm closing the boarders of this county to prevent the further spread of this virus. People were scared for their lives and not just in Grenada but almost every part of the world so president Clinton of America made a statement a couple of days after (It's been almost a month since we've learned of the new virus called peste reine, this virus has since made a global panic and I'm here to say today as I do feel great sympathy for the 150 people that have contracted the virus and the 90 people that have died from it this is a problem in Grenada not an American problem, currently the boarders of Grenada is closed preventing anyone from getting in or out of the country so I'm saying there's nothing to worry about) the president said.

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