Chapter Four The Attack

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After leaving Thranduil's throne, I return to the dwarf's cell."Hello again, Mr. Oakenshield."

"Oh please. Just call me Thorin." His face is much softer this time.

"Where were you headed when you were caught?" He looks at me and sits in silence for a moment.


"Where is home?"

"The Lonely Mountain, the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor." He stares straight ahead, focusing his eyes on mine. We sit in silence for a while, just staring at each other. "Do you have many friends?" I stare at him, blanking until I see him raise a brow.

"Oh, I don't think I have quite as many as you;" I joke. "Just Legolas, Thranduil and my brother." He lets out a laugh but looks a bit sad as he realizes I might not be joking. "And you? I can see you have at least a handful of friends." His smile returns.

"Ah, yes. However, they are not just friends, for they are my family," he pauses. "Well, most of them."

"What are the names of the fellows on this journey with you?"

His smile seems ever so curious. "There's Balin and Dwalin; Fili and Kili;  Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur; Ori, Nori, and Dori; Óin and Glóin." He lets out a small chuckle.

"What?" I don't quite understand his laughter.

"Well, those are all the dwarves, but there is also Gandalf the Grey, a great wizard-"

"You know Gandalf?" I ask maybe a little too enthusiastically.

"Why, yes, yes I do. Do you?"

"I have only met him once, but I've heard many fine stories about him." He stares at me with a small grin, waiting. "Oh, but there's still one more of you if I'm not mistaken." He adjusts to sit up straight.

"Yes, that's Bilbo, our little hobbit burglar."

"Adelaide!" Thranduil yells from his throne.

"I must go," I say, feeling a warmth crawl through my body. Thorin says a quick goodbye as I turn to leave.

Legolas appears out of nowhere nearly knocking me off my feet. "Woah!"

"I am very sorry, but I must keep moving." He swiftly walks off without another word. I can hear people yelling something about the dwarves escaping. But how? I was just with them. I run to find them, but it seems others have already reached the cells.

They're all empty. Where could they have gone?

I see some commotion coming from outside so I quickly run out the doors to see our wine barrels floating down the river. Not just wine barrels, no, it's the dwarves! They're using the barrels to escape! I can't help but let out a small laugh. The elves closed the gate disallowing the dwarves to escape.

Suddenly a pack of orcs arrives and an arrow is shot killing one of my kin. Weapons are drawn and the battle begins. I quickly run back inside to grab my bow. When I return one of the dwarves had gotten out of the water and up onto the bridge. I began firing as many arrows as I could at the orcs.

One dwarf nears the lever to open the gate but is shot in the leg by a massive orc, possibly the leader. He is lying on the ground now, enduring an amount of pain I don't care to imagine. I continue shooting the orcs trying to get to the bridge. The dwarf stands up once more as I focus my aim on him. Drawing back an arrow I wait, patiently. Seemingly out of mid-air, a smaller orc appears on top of the bridge. I let my arrow loose, immediately grabbing another to replace it. The orc falls into the river just as the dwarf pulls the lever, finally opening the gate. With a limp, he walks to the edge and struggles to leap back into his barrel, rejoining the group.

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