Chapter Five Special

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Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes allows me to see a fuzzy version of my bedroom. I carefully creep over to my mirror and plop myself onto the small stool in front of it. I take some time to brush my hair and get ready for the day. Using some strands from the top of my forehead, I begin to braid one side down, adding pieces of hair on the way until I reach my ear. I then do a simple braid with the rest of the hair in my hand, leaving about five centimeters of hair on the end after tying it off. I repeat this on the other side and then twice more near my temples to have two on each side.

I choose an elegant gown for the day; a deep emerald, velvet v-neck that goes to my ankles and drapes elegantly on my wrists. I slip on a black pair of flats, tying the attached straps up and around each leg.

After finally deeming myself ready, I go to find Thranduil. Just like every other day, he is sat up on his beautifully decorated throne. He sits with a slouched back and his hands placed on his lap. His eyes wander around the realm as if looking for something...or perhaps someone. His eyes finally meet mine and he smiles as he quickly adjusts his posture.

When I reach the foot of where he sits he steps down. He lightly grabs a braid and looks up at me. "This is new." He exclaims with a small smile.

"Do you like it?" I ask shyly.

"I love it." He lets the small braid slip through his fingers.

On a normal day, my hair is parted down the middle and lays down along my back. I usually just tuck it behind my ears to keep it from falling in my face, but I felt a little adventurous today.

I step closer to him grabbing his beautifully decorated crown from his head. Though it is heavier than I expect it to be, I do my best to gently set it behind him on the seat of his throne. "Why have you removed my crown?" He asks, now frowning.

I grab a small section of his hair and begin to loosely braid it. He looks down at my fingers as they weave the strands of his hair together. He raises his brow and looks at me. "I think you would look great with a couple of braids," I say with a small smile. He smirks and grabs my hands with both of his. I let go of the braid as he pulls my hands to his mouth and I watch it swiftly unravel leaving no trace of it ever being there.

He breathes heavily onto my hands. "Why are your hands always so cold?" I shrug and he kisses the tops of them. "In case something does happen to you or me while we are out there," he pauses and takes a deep breath. " I want these last couple of days to be special.

"Nothing will happen to us out there. We will be just fine. I promise. Even if-" He cuts me off by placing his index finger on my lips. I begin thinking about the possibilities and realize that there is a chance something could happen to one of us. Images of the possible pain and loss flash through my head as my heart's pace starts to pick up.

Thranduil pulls me into a hug and I try hard to fight back tears as I snap back to reality. He looks me in the eyes and smiles pulling his finger away from my lips. A tear manages to slip down my cheek, causing his expression to shift immediately. He places his hand on my cheek and uses his thumb to wipe the tear away.

"No tears." He whispers as he leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Come with me." He starts walking down the path of his throne so I follow close behind. After a short while we reach an empty corridor. My thoughts continue racing through the multitude of possibilities that could have one, or both, of us killed.

I cannot keep thinking about this if I want to maintain my composure. Losing Thranduil would break me as he is one of the few important things left in my life. I have no parents here in middle-earth due to selfish orcs who do not mind taking the innocent lives of others.

"Adelaide." I jump at Thranduil's voice as he pulls me from my thoughts. He lets out a small laugh. "I am sorry, I did not mean to frighten you." His bright smile shines as he places his hand on a small knot of wood on the wall. My jaw may have fallen slightly as he turns his hand and reveals a hidden doorway. He stands in the corridor and holds the door open. "After you."

I step into the room looking around. There is a large bed in the center with a base and headboard made of wood and carved to resemble intertwining branches and twigs. The bedspread is white; nothing special. There is also a dark wooden wardrobe with branches and flowers carved into the sides.

The more I look around the more I can confirm what this room is. "Is this your bedroom?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"It is quite something," I say. He walks into the room with his long cloak-like clothing draping down to the ground and dragging behind him. He turns and shuts the door slightly darkening the room. The whole room is lit by just a few candles. He stands in front of the door smirking at me. "What is that look for?"

"I want tonight to be special." His smile grows revealing his pearly white teeth. He is breathtaking. He steps closer to me and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Huh?" I look up at him with a raised brow making him let out a small laugh. Before I can respond he leans down towards me sweeping me up into his arms. He gives me a small peck on my nose and carries me over to his bed. He gently sits me down on the end of his soft comfy bed. Taking my hand he pulls it up to his mouth and kisses my fingers. My cheeks turn a light pink, mainly because I am confused as to what is going on, but also flattered. He gently lays my hand back in my lap.

I gaze upon his beautiful facial features and then allow my eyes to linger upon the rest of his body. He catches my gaze and smirks looking down at his own body. I notice his hands start moving toward the top of his cloak-like cape. He swiftly grabs it and dramatically drops it to the ground.

I smile at the sight but try not to make it too obvious. He winks at me and reaches for the buttons of his silk body-hugging robe that pools at his feet. As he slowly undoes each button I start to feel a heat that rushes through my whole body. When he finally reaches the last button he stops. Suddenly he steps towards me eliminating most of the distance between us. I can see part of his chest already and blush more at the sight. He takes both of my hands placing them on the final button. "Do the honors?" He grins and there is a small twinkle in his eyes.

I carefully unbutton the last of it as it drops to the floor. He stands in front of me revealing his tone, slender torso. My eyes widen at the sight of him. It is truly the most breathtaking sight I have ever laid my eyes on.

I rise to my feet and reach my hand out toward his body. Starting at his cheek I slowly run my hand down his neck to his chest. I feel the firmness of his chest and continue running my hand down his stomach feeling the ripple of muscles and stopping just at his waist. When I look back up to see his face he is smiling with rosy cheeks. His eyes are a beautiful bright blue glimmering in the moonlight.

I turn around so my back is to him. "Go ahead," I say.


Updated 5-29-2023

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