Chapter Ten Exchanginging Deals

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Bard and Thranduil discuss what they are going to do about Thorin. I still cannot hear most of what they are saying, but Thranduil seems a bit surprised by whatever Bard has said.

Bard there suddenly takes off on a horse toward The Lonely Mountain. I make my way over to Thranduil to ask him why Bard has left.

"He went to make a deal with Thorin." He says rolling his eyes as if it were such a terrible idea.

"What is so bad about that?" I ask.

"Are you kidding me?" He snaps.

"If it keeps us from going to war, I believe it is a good idea." I declare.

He stares at me as if I have just spoken in a language that he has no understanding of. His lips pressed into a hard line as his brow furrowed.

I turned to walk away, but I was stopped. Thranduil grabbed my arm turning me to face him. "What is wrong?" He asks in Elvish.

"Nothing," I respond in English. I jerk my arm from his grip and leave the area.

As I walk away I notice how tight my armor is in some places and how loose it is in others. I can't help but laugh at the uncomfortableness of it. I rejoin the rest of my elven soldiers and wait for whatever will happen next.


Updated  11-9-2023

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