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4 months later

Naruto's p.o.v.

I woke up in my new house which is my hideout. Sasuke was standing in front of me with food.

"I got you a bowl of ramen. Also you have bed hair." He handed me a warm bowl.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"I got you a new outfit. It's on the couch." He pointed to it.

"But I did ask you for one." I mumbled.

"Just wear it around the house. Or if I'm around." He smirked with a tint of pink on his pale cheeks.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

I ate my bowl of ramen and realized that all I had on was a shirt and laced underwear.

"What?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't have on pants." I said.

"So, I've seen you in your underwear so Shut up." He said.

"Whatever." I threw off my covers.

I placed the bowl on the table and walk over to the couch. I saw a fucking maid outfit.

"Sasuke?" I said calmly.

"Hn." He said.

"Why did you get me a maid outfit?" I said

"Cause I knew you look cute in it." He smirked.

"Take it back." I threw it at him.

"Can't. The owner doesn't take refunds." He said.

"Fine." I grabbed it and threw it into a corner.

"You know, you're cute when you're angry." He said.

"Quit flirting, I'm not going to date you." I said.

"Fine." He sighed.

2 weeks later

"Naruto, I got you something." Sasuke slipped a box over my book.

"It better not be another maid outfit." I mumbled.

"Just open it." He said

I opened it to see a see through night gown attached to a bra. I've never seen one of these before. I threw it at him.

"No." I said.

"Come on Naruto. Kakashi told me what's wrong with you. Your supposed to mate with someone and that someone should be me." He sat next to me.

"But we aren't dating so no." I said.

"But we can start. You know you love me." He got closer to me.

"No I don't love you. In fact I hate you cause you bother me too much." I glared at him.

"But I keep you company. Besides you only mate once a year for a 4 months. Well depending on what animal that demon is." He said.

"Sasuke, leave me the hell alone. If you want to mate already, go do it with Sakura." I said.

"Ugh.she is annoying!" He pouted.

"I don't care." I said.

"Naruto lets just mate once. What's wrong with that?" He said.

"Cause I have to mark you as mine." I said.

"I'm fine with that." He smiled.

"But something tells me there is more to it." He added.

"It cause I can get pregnant." I said.

"Okay so?" He said.

"The village is not going to except my children because I'm a demon. I don't want them to grow up hated." I mumbled closing the book.

"But if we say that it's my child, they won't do a thing to it."

"Yes they will. Your just a fucking Uchiha. Not some fucking king of the world. I can ruin your reputation. They are going to think I brainwashed you into having a child with me. They will hate me even more and might kill the baby while I'm still pregnant. And what if everyone found out that I was a fucking girl. Kakashi is already suspicious and My friends will hate me for lying." I cried.

"Naruto, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that and respect your decision. But you didn't lie, they assumed and you played along." He said softly.

"I don't care. They aren't going to except me. Sure as hell not Shikamaru." I hugged my legs.

"Fine, I have an Idea. What if we tell people one by one that your a girl. Starting with your closet friends." He said.

I grabbed my pillow and hit him in the head.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"That is a stupid idea." I said.

"Then what do you suggest? Hn." He said.

"I have nothing." I mumbled.

"That's what I thought." He muttered.

"I hate you." I I turned my back towards him.

"Oh hate is a hurtful thing. Love is what you meant right." He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"No." I said.

3 days later

I sat there waiting for Kakashi sensei. Sakura was clinging onto Sasuke and I will admit, I'm jealous. After Sasuke made a plan to tell everyone I'm a girl, I started to like him.

So we asked Lady Tsunade to give us a mission with team 8 and team 10. She agreed to it.

"Sorry I'm late a black cat crossed my path so I had to take a long way." Kakashi said.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Well today we have a mission with team 8 and 10." He said.

"For what?" Sakura asked.

"Well the Hokage is waiting for us. Let's go."he said

We walked into town and everyone whispered about me. I ignored them. We got to the Hokage tower.

"Now that all the teams are here, your mission is to escort this old couple to the spring country." She pointed to these 2 people sitting on a chair. One had a cane, the other had a suitcase.

"Yes ma'am." Everyone said except me.

"Say yes ma'am dope." Sakura hit my head.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"It's fine Sakura." Lady Tsunade said.

"Well get packed so we can leave. Naruto, can I have a word with you." She said.

"Okay." I walked forward.

Everyone left and I waited for her to talk.

"Please be careful. And are you sure you want to tell them?" She asked.

"Yes." I faked a smile.

"Okay." She said.

I left and walked to my house/hide away. Sasuke was there packing my stuff.

"I could have done that." I snatched the bra out of his hand.

"But I wanna do this for you." He whined.

"Teme shut up." I hit him in the head.

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