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Sasuke's p.o.v

I walked up to the tree Sakura was under and She smiled at me.

"Sasuke, why did you ask to meet me here? Is it cause you love me?" She hugged me.

"No, I  came here to tell you something." I growled.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I want you to leave Naruto alone. She always helps you and you can't seem to be grateful." I said.

"Why should I be nice to it?" She whined.

"Cause she deserves it. What is one thing nice enough that you did for her?" I asked.

"I did plenty of things." She smiled.

"Name one." I smirked.

"Um.. I paid for ramen last week." She smiled.

"No, she did." I said.

"Okay, maybe I don't do nice things for her. But it's not like you care." She replied.

I walked closer to her and She looked scared.

"If you touch her, I'll kill you. Do you understand?" I growled.

"S-sasuke." She teared up.

"Do you understand." I asked once more.

"Yes." She let a tear slide.

I was about to walk away when Sakura grabbed my arm.

"Who gave you the hickey?" She asked.

"Naruto." I smiled.

"W-what." She looked shocked.

I walked away and went back to Naruto. She sat up and pouted.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You left without telling me." She said.

"I'm sorry." I sat next to her.

"Let's go out for ramen." She smiled.

"Alright." I stood up.

I went to her dresser and pulled out a dress. I handed it to her. She got dressed and we left to ichiraku ramen.

"Naruto, it's nice to see you again." The girl said.

"Hi." She smiled.

"What can I do for you?" The girl asked.

Naruto ordered her usual and I got the same. After dinner we left and Temari showed up.

"Naruto." Temari hugged her.

"Hey Temari." She smiled.

"I'm going to be on a mission all this month so here you go. Also-" she whispered the rest into Naruto's ear.

Naruto turned red like a tomato. I laughed at her and Naruto hit me.

"Well I better go find Shikamaru. He said he had something for me." Temari said.

She left and Naruto just held a box Temari gave her.

"What's with the box?" I asked.

"It's nothing. Just a Present for my birthday." She smiled.

"Oh. Well let's head home." I grabbed her hand.

The villagers were talking about Naruto again and she was trying to let my hand go.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." She mumbled.

We continued to her house and she put the box away in the dresser.

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