Ron Weasley- My Only Heaven Is With You

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There isn't any smut in this one!!!

Thank you JulzLovDraco4Eva for the request!!!

As Y/n smiled to herself as she knew the twins were doing something fun, as it was 6tg year and whatever they had planned, it was most likely unpleasantto where it was pleasant.. Her, Hermione, Ron and Harry, were asked to go to the boys dormitory for a "game". They all said yes, knowing it was going to be a wild experience and they were bored. Y/n has a wild crush on Ron ever since 2nd year. They have all been friend since 1st year, but nonetheless, she had the most feelings for Ron.

Ron was the most supportive and was there for everything she went through. Though Hermione was her best friend, Ron surpassed her by a knowledgeable amount.

Once they made it, more people were sitting in a circle with a bottle between them. As soon as the 4 sat down, Fred locked the door, which gave George more time to explain.

"Hello Gryffindors! As you know we went up against Slytherin today and we kicked some arse!" George started.

"Soooo, to get us in the mood! We're playing 7 minutes in heaven!" Fred continued.

"The extended version!" George finally finished as Fred sat down next to his twin.

I saw Ron go for the bottle first and I hoped to MERLIN it did not land on me. But, with my luck it did. I didn't want my feelings to be hurt, and by that I mean I didn't want to tell Ron my feelings at all. Hermione leaned over to me and told me everything was going to be okay, but I wasn't so sure.

As they walked over to the closet the two stepped in and Y/n blushed instantly. The only light we hand was from her wand. It was in between them and gave enough light to show their red faces. They stared at eachother for a little, not really knowing what to do.

"Uhm there was a uh, metal paperclip in the bottle," Ron said, nervous.

"A what?" Y/n said, confused.

"Y-" he began, then cleared his throat, "It was planned because uhm, I told them I had a crush on you."

"You do? Cause I have a crush on you too. I just didn't want to tell you because I didn't think you felt the same.  We've just been such good friends that-" Y/n rambled but soon got cut off by a pair of lips on hers.

"Y/n, with you go out with me? Like as in be my girlfriend?" Ron asked.

"Oh my Merlin! I've been waiting for you to say that!" Y/n said smiling.

As their 7 minutes ran out they stepped out of the closet smiling at eachother. They kept playing the game for a little while longer, Y/n now sitting by her long loved lover, and their fingers intertwined together.


Ahhh wholesome!!!!!

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