Harry Potter- We'll Get Through It

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Hello! There isn't any smut in this chapter! Enjoy!

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Y/n Weasley is the cousin of the Weasleys. Ron was her favorite cousin. One, he was the same year as her so they could relate more, and two, he brought Harry and her closer together. In their 5th year Harry and Y/n confessed their feelings. They both liked each other a ton and just went for it.


It's now their 7th year at Hogwarts which means the battle. Y/n was so scared and didn't want to leave Harry's side. Her friends Harry, Ron, and Hermione helped her get her strength back so she could be that bad bitch she was, but deep down she feared she was going to loose her one and only.

As you were in your thoughts on accident, you heard yelling coming at you, "He lit the bloody place on fire!" Ron yelled making you look up at the fire about to engulf you. Before the fire could reach you you felt arms around your mouth and waist. You got knocked out.

When you woke up you were tied to a tree. Your eyes still being a blur, you made out Hagrid. Her was looking at you, tears running down his face and into his beard. You gave him a reassuring smile.

"Harry Potter! If you don't come people will be dying in your name. Dying in vein. Including your beautiful girlfriend Y/n, who I have here. If you don't show up in the hour I give you, she being the first to die, along with all your friends." Voldemort announced.

I stared at him, not shedding a tear. As Ron was hearing the noise his heart sped up. His breathing hitched uncontrollably and he felt as though he couldn't breathe, or that he was breathing too much. Hermione had her hands on his shoulders and gave him breathing counts to help him.

"It's okay Ron breathe. 1, 2, 3, 4," Hermione was trying to help when she saw Harry start to wander off, "Harry!"

"I'm brining back my girlfriend, your bestfriend, and Ron's cousin back safe and alive."

Y/n looks up from the ground to see a raven haired boy walk up with circle glasses. She gasped and felt tears start to build up. Harry across from Voldemort and stared at him right in the eyes.

"Ah. The boy who lived, only to come back to die. AVADA KADAVERA!" Voldemort yelled.

"No!" Y/n screamed, her throat scratchy and head spinning. 

"He's dead," Narcissa Malfoy said, standing up.

Y/n couldn't breathe. Her heart was pounding and her head felt heavy. As sweat trickled down her neck her face fell neutral. Her H/c hair hug in front of her. She stopped struggling and everything went into a blur. She felt cold arms go around her, the same ones that took her there.

Once they made their way back to Hogwarts Rona and Hermione caught her eyes. Ron looked at her, tears falling down his face. He had already lost one, he wasn't going to loose another.

"Harry Potter... Is dead!" Voldemort boomed.

People gasped and some even screamed. Y/n's ears blurred as Neville stood out in front of everyone. She got jerked to the side and someone had fallen out of Hagrid's arms. Her heart beat picked up as Y/n saw it was Harry. Color came back to her eyes as she saw the red and green split out of Voldemort and Harry's wand. 

Her eyes widened as she saw Voldemort turn into dust and she fell out of Lucius Malfoys arms. Y/n hit the ground and saw his whole family leave, Draco looking at her with a pained expression. She felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her then two more pairs did.

Harry helped her stand up and let Ron hug his cousin. Y/n cried on his shoulder then Hermione's.

"Fred, he's... dead," Ron said, starting too cry, "I was so scared that I would loose you too."

They all walked to where the Great Hall was and she went over to where George was mourning over the death of his twin. When George saw Y/n he ran at her and almost knocked her over. She could feel his body shaking and she could hear his faint sobs. 

They all sat down and the mood started to pick up. Though it was a sad day, they didn't die in vein. They didn't do it for Harry. They did it for everyone, including themselves. They sat and ate what the house elves gave them. Hours went by and they were all standing up against the wall, George telling us his new invention.

"Hey Y/N?" Harry asked Y/n.

"Yeah babe?" Y/n asked back, looking into his green eyes.

"I know this is kind of a crazy time to ask this, and we're still really young but I can't wait any longer," Harry was on one knee, digging in his pocket, "Will you marry me?"

Harry held a diamond ring that he had found when they were looking for horcruxes, which is when he asked Ron for permission, "Oh- Oh my Merlin! Yes! Merlin!" Y/n exclaimed, her hands over her mouth.

She put her hand down to Harry and her put the ring on her finger. He got off his knee and pulled her in for a kiss. Everyone had clapped around them and Hermione was leaning on Ron's shoulder.

Everything went bye in a blur yet they got through it. Everyday they visit Fred and so do their children.


I may or may not have cried writing this...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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