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I arrive home from my office to see my mom sitting on the sofa

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I arrive home from my office to see my mom sitting on the sofa.

"Prachi, you came" mom said "A young man came to give this letter"

"He said to told you that he is going" Mom said giving the letter

Ranbir Kohli it read on the top

Where is he going? It has been 2 days since I confessed my feelings. But there is no way I am going to read this letter. He went without giving me an answer. Without even meeting me.

"Okay mom, Thankyou" I said as I ran upstare to my room

I kept the letter in a nearby drawer and entered the washroom.


Crying to sleep had became an habit now. It would be fine if he had rejected me. But he just ran away. I opened the drawer and took the letter from it. It had been a week since I am arguing that should I open it or not. But as usual I keep it without opening it and slept sobbing and thinking about him.

After 2 years:-

I sat on my usual spot watching the waves. Yeah, I still come here. I just come here to think of my memories, memories with him. Either good or bad. I still haven't read the letter. And I have not seen him in these 2 years. I don't know where is he? How is he? Was he such a coward or there was a reason?

My eyes watch a familiar figure. His back towards me. Still I know who is he. I didn't know what to do. Should I go or not? But I couldn't stop myself from going to him. I know he has made me cry, made me suffer. But how can a person keep themselves away from a person they love.

So, I just ran and wrapped my hands around his torso from the back as I cried. He seemed weak. He rotated his face as he felt a touch. And then he saw me. This time I expected him to push me away. But this time also I was wrong. He rotated as he hugged me from the front. And then that happened which I never expected. He kissed me. I responded back as our salty tears mixed and we both cried.

"Did you read the letter?" It came as a whisper as he broke apart

I shook my head as a no.

"I knew it" he said

He knows me inside and out.

"Prachi, you deserve someone better"

"But what if I think that the person in front of me is best."

"Prachi I like you too but I can't"

"Why can't you Ranbir?" I said "I am ready for you as you are"

"Just read the letter and if you still want to be with me you can"

"Ok if that's the thing, I would read it."

"2 days"


"You would understand"


I sat on the bed as a opened the drawer and taking out the letter. And I finally opened it.


I ran as I caught sight of him. I cried the whole night after reading that letter. I wanted to just run to him at night only but that wasn't possible. So, I came to meet him in the morning. I wonder how difficult it would be for him to deal with all situation but he didn't showed it to the world. He was not a coward as I thought but he was one of the bravest. I know he didn't expected me to come but I would be with him forever.

I cried as I hugged him. I can't even imagine my life without him. I can't let him go but I don't have a option.

You always have a option.

Do I?

"When?" I whispered


"Why didn't you told me before?"

"I gave you the letter, Prachi" he said "It's not my fault that you didn't read before"

"So, why didn't you came to me when you left?" I asked

"I came, Prachi" he said "I really came, but you weren't home"

We spent our time silently hugging.

"Why did you came back?" He asked breaking the silence

"Because I love you, idiot" I said trying to lighten up the mood

"But now you know the reason Prachi, I can't" he explained

"I know but can't you spend a day with me?" I said "Today"

"But Prachi-" he tried to decline but I cut him in the middle

"Please Ranbir"



I felt as his breathing became uneven. And then I was damn sure that I live not let him go alone.

I came with a small pocket knife ready to be with my love. Either alive or not. Tears flowed from my eyes.

His eyes widen as he saw me.

"Pra...chi" he tried to say "Do...nt"

"Juliet can't live without her Romeo" I said

"I- I love.. yo..u" he said which I was dying to hear

More tears flowed as I finally cut my nerve with the knive. And I laid in the pool of blood.

 And I laid in the pool of blood

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Do you want to know what was in the letter?

It will be revealed in next part.

Till then bbye

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