Chapter 17: Underground

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Jessica slept briefly for most of the car ride. When she woke up she saw that it was still dark outside and they were still on the road. Everyone in the car was silent. Genti was focused on keeping his eyes on the road, Drita was doing something on a tablet, and Zeki, whose lap she was resting on, just sat with his eyes closed possibly meditating. Finding the silence is getting to her Jessica started to ask questions. "So I thought Zeki worked alone. I mean I know he recruited me to be his sidekick until he gets back at the Organization but he never said much about you two."

        Zeki opened an eye the moment Jessica spoke. Just as he was about to answers Drita jumped at the opportunity and replied, "It's true that Zeki does go on his own but how else do you think he gets into places with state of the art security?" She turned around to face Jessica, pointed at herself and then said, "It's all me. Genti here covers up Zeki's tracks if it appears that it will lead to us."

        Genti said something, more like a groan, but Jessica did not understand what he said. Drita jokingly said something back as Jessica assumed the slap in Genti's arm meant something not serious.

        "So who are you two and Zeki working for and what language is that you're speaking?" Jessica asked.

        "Genti and I, we're Albanians, sweetie," Drita replied. "But if we told you who we work for we'd have to kill you."

        Jessica never heard the Albanian language before so that was something new for her. As for the threat of being killed for finding out who these two and Zeki work for, she was not too bothered. "You're either secret agents or mobsters. Judging by the work Zeki does that makes you-"

        Just as Jessica was about to say what type of people she thought they worked for Zeki cleared his throat. He also had his fingers pressed to his forehead.

            "I've seen the movie Taken-"

           Zeki cleared his throat again, stressing to Jessica not to bring up the field of work he and his coworkers are in.

        Jessica was quiet for a whole two minutes then she asked, "So, you two know about what Zeki can do?"

        There was silence for about thirty seconds. Zeki then said, "She knows about my abilities. They know it as well."

            "Actually we just found out about it not too long ago," Drita chimed in. "Zeki kind of had to tell us, well technically Genti found out first since he was dealing with the legal stuff. Then I found out about this organization that trained Zeki to do whatever he does to kill people and their methods are worse than what we do to torture people. Please forget about that part about us torturing people."

            "Done," Jessica said.

        "We also looked into those incidents that Zeki got himself into like Chinatown and the Chryslers," Drita continued. "Uncle Enver was not too happy about those."

            "Just don't tell him what I can do, okay you two?" Zeki requested. "Guy could exploit me."

            "I wouldn't say Uncle Enver would be the one to exploit you," Drita said. "Uncle Elham might though."

        The car pulled into a service station that was along the highway. Genti parked the car next to a pump and left to fill the tank. 

            "While we're waiting for the car to be filled, this is how we'll get your friend out," Drita said as she turned to face Zeki and Jessica with her tablet. "The Organization offers rewards for brining in telekinetics. I will be a bounty hunter taking in Genti whom I will pass on as Zeki."

Laws of Motion (Paranormal/Sci-Fi/Thriller) (1st draft)Where stories live. Discover now