Chapter 15: The Life and Times of Zeki Nur

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April 1992

There was a time when telekinetics lived in harmony with humans. At least that is what I like to believe. You knew you were going to be able to move objects with your mind because you saw mom and dad do it. Somehow something happened and it caused telekinetics to fight each other making relationships between two of them impossible. Breeding with the humans might have made it possible for more telekinetics to emerge or maybe the genes that determine who becomes a telekinetic are unpredictable to begin with.

            You don't know you're a telekinetic until the day you become one. From what I've gathered it all starts with a dream, a series of dreams to be exact. I had just turned twelve and I started to have these dreams that I was flying. I dreamt that I was flying above the sky over a football field, soccer in more familiar terms. As I was hovering over the field I suddenly began to fall from the sky. Racing passing me was a soccer ball, Etrusco Unico, which, for some reason, was falling faster than me. I began to chase after the ball and once I caught up with the ball I reached out for it. I took the ball into my arms and at that moment I touched the ground. The ball was then no longer in my arms but floating above me as well as the nets on both ends. My dream always ended that way and I would keep on having that dream until the day I got my powers.

            My friends and I went out to play football in the park after the snow had melted. We have played in the snow before but enjoyed playing in the park and the fields the best. We set up a small pitch in the park behind the school, just enough for a friendly five on five game. Emre and David, the oldest in our group, made themselves captains of the two teams and picked who went on each other's teams. David picked me to play for Emre's team in hopes of having a winning advantage and keep his winning streak of three games in a row. Adam, his brother, knew I never liked playing on Emre's team as he always made me goalkeeper. That time I asked Emre to not let me be goalkeeper just for one game and he did allow me but made me a defender. Emre had dreams of becoming the next Lothar Matthaus and would always make himself attacking midfielder.

            The game tied with each team having four goals. All of us had to be home in time for supper and we had about five minutes of game time left. Throughout the whole game I never scored a goal. I've defended the net and I've let some balls through but scoring against David's team was near impossible for me with Çağatay as his goalkeeper. Emre and Adam could score against him easily but all my shots in the past whenever he was in net never got through.

        That all changed that day when I decided, at the last minute of the game, to score a goal. The ball was kicked into the air by David from our makeshift midfield. I dived at the ball, hoping I could make a header pass to Adam and from there he could pass back to me and I could score a goal. What happened instead shocked everyone. As I dove for the ball I closed my eyes, afraid that I wasn't going to make it. But I knew I made it. I felt my head come into contact with the ball and my face hit the muddy turf. I pushed myself and wiped the mud from my eyes only to open them to shocked expressions, Çağatay being the most shocked out of all of them.

        "What happened?" I asked as I was helped up by my teammates Fatih and Ahmet.

        "The ball just flew right at Çağatay and nearly killed him," Emre said. 

        David went to retrieve ball and then ordered everyone that was around me to clear away. He stood in front of Çağatay and placed the ball on the ground. "I don't care how freaked out you are, I want you to kick the ball at Zeki's head," David ordered him.

        Çağatay pulled himself together and prepared to kick the ball. He kicked it hard and fast that if it actually hit my head I would have gotten a concussion. But the ball did not hit me. As the ball was flying towards me I had a feeling that I could catch the ball so I moved into position to catch it but just as it was about as quarter of a metre away from my hands the ball stopped in mid air. I moved my hands away from each other and the ball dropped dead straight onto the ground. I felt as if I caught the ball but I wasn't physically touching it. I looked at my friends and they were speechless. As for me I was scared. Did they think I was a monster? Was I possessed by some demon or jinn?

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