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It had been two days since the wind storm and I awoke to the sound of Clarke walking toward my tree. I may have spoken and let Clarke be by me, but I was still working on trusting her. I knew I could, but it was still hard to let myself really let my guard down and trust her.

"Good morning" she spoke in a soft voice as I began to open my eyes and sleepily started tying my stuff to a branch before climbing down the tree, keeping a safe distance between Clarke and myself.

"You know," she started, "I still don't know your name."

I had not said anything else to her since the first time I offered her help. We spent the days sometimes together by the river but I always kept my distance and rarely made eye contact, never speaking. Inside, I willed myself to look at her, to talk to her, but my body didn't listen. After I was taken for training and my mother was ruthlessly killed in front of me, I had never met anyone I could really trust, besides Echo and one grounder I had run into years ago. Clarke never pressured me to talk, instead she continually told me bits about herself, telling stories of some people she used to know. She had told me about various people, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Jasper, Monty, Harper, and Murphy being some of the most interesting stories. Today was no different, she started telling me about a boy named Finn, another boy who had come down from the Ark with her. Though I didn't show it, I was really interested in her stories, how her and her people had come down from space, basically sent to die yet they had survived. I admired Clarke's strength.

As she told me these stories, I realized where I had recognized her from; the day they landed I had observed them. I had been quietly sketching in a tree when I saw a fiery ball approaching the ground at a dangerous speed. My mind immediately told me it was a second set of bombs, as I had grown up hearing about the bombs that had killed off most of the population. I watched as it rocketed toward the ground, pretty far from where I was. I had waited a couple days before deciding to go and explore the "bomb."

The trek took me a couple days and as I got closer and closer, I realized it was not a bomb at all, but that people had come down from the sky and they seemed dangerous. I kept a very safe distance and only observed for a few minutes, but it was enough to see Clarke. I watched shortly, noticing how she commanded the camp, ordering them to listen to her and not another tall guy with a head of messy curls who seemed to want chaos. I would later find out his name was Bellamy and that he had changed for the better. I had decided I wanted nothing to do with these people and walked away, never again seeing them again until forty one days after the death wave when I first saw Clarke.

"We called him spacewalker at first," she chuckled slightly as she recounted her very first days on the ground.

"He always wanted peace, and he always seemed to be the voice of reason" she continued, but her tone suddenly darkened as she went on, "until after the first grounder war."

"Anyway, that was Finn." she said, collecting herself and moving quickly to a different subject on that note.

We walked a little longer, on our way to the river, before she spoke up again.

"So, that's most of the people I came down on the dropship with. Do you have anyone you want to tell me about? Maybe yourself?"

I just kept walking, my silence serving as my response. We reached the river and began climbing to the high rock, looking for any fish we could cook for dinner later in the day. Though I still wouldn't come back to the trailer with her, we had eaten together for the past two days. I have to admit, it was really nice to have someone next to me after being alone for so long. It was the same kind of company I had once shared with another grounder many years ago. Before Clarke and her people had even come down. It was in the early days of banishment, before I had learned how to be invisible.

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