Outside the Shield

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The group was Raven, Echo, Octavia, Bellamy, and me. Jordan, Miller, Emori, Murphy, and Clarke would stay back at the tavern. Echo wanted me to stay back but surprisingly Bellamy backed me up, convincing her to let me go. I was relieved, I couldn't be cooped up here any longer. I felt antsy, like I needed to just run and free myself for a little. To be honest, my mind was really driving me a little crazy. In my dreams the mysterious shadow from when the flame first emerged with my mind was more prevalent. He had one eye, and scars like lines on a map. He didn't stay in the shadows anymore, instead he took the spot where Lexa used to be as if he was trying to replace her. I resisted him but it seemed like the more I ignored him, the more he bothered me. I would tell Gaia about it when I saw her again, but for now I couldn't tell anyone, they would just worry and make me sit out of everything.

Echo stopped me before we left the tavern with the rest of the group, pulling me to the side. I could tell she was worried about me going with them. She knew I could take care of myself but I knew she couldn't help but worry.

"What's up?" I asked, my eyes looking around at the rest of the people in the tavern.

"You tell me," she said back, surprising and confusing me.

"What do you mean?" I asked back, trying to think of what she could be talking about.

She slightly rolled her eyes before answering.

"Jamie, you're my sister, I can tell when something's off with you," she said, "and something's off with you. What's going on?"

I shifted and cleared my throat. I knew I had been acting a little off. It was because of the dreams. My mind was constantly trying to decipher and decode every image and every flashback the dark figure showed me, as well as figure out who he was. The flame was supposed to show me the commanders, but no one had told me about him.

"It's nothing," I said, "I'm just a little tired, that's all. A lot has happened and that toxin really messed me up. I saw mom, Echo," I told her, not wanting to really explain why I was a little on edge.

She nodded and hugged me, giving me one last inquisitive look before letting me walk out the door with her right behind me. I reached out and squeezed her hand as a final reassurance as we caught up with the rest of the group. Along with our people, Russell had picked a few of his people to accompany us. I didn't know what else was out there beyond Sanctum, but Russell and his people were certainly wary of it. Whatever it was, I just hoped we wouldn't find it, or it wouldn't find us.

As we reached the top of the staircase leading down to the fields and the rest of the planet, Russell joined us, introducing us to his group. Obviously Kaylee was coming, along with a dark skinned girl, a few guards, and another girl who stood slightly off to the side, not really looking at us. Russell had introduced her as Quinn, and at the mention of her name, she had stepped forward slightly and offered a small wave to us. She didn't seem to have any interest in us, only once making eye contact with me. Something about her was mysterious to me, like she was hiding something behind her rather serious composure. I wasn't sure why she was coming, but Russell made the rules and we weren't to question him. As he finished talking, Clarke ran up the stairs to say goodbye before we left. She came right to me, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. I could tell she was angry that she had to stay, but I trusted her to talk with Russell and get in a good word for us. If we could stay here, things could work out. It was a lovely town and Jordan and I could finally be around people our age and do normal things, instead of fighting to survive everyday. I hugged her back and squeezed her hands as she went over to Bellamy.

Finally, we were off. I walked next to Raven, letting Echo and Bellamy go in front of us. Jordan had told me that we would probably pass where they buried Shaw and I didn't want Raven to have to see it alone. Octavia walked on the other side of me, though she was hardly interacting with any of us, except for when she was complaining about not having a weapon. Russell had ordered only the guards to have weapons and we were certainly not allowed to carry any. It sucked but I understood where he was coming from and didn't mind it for now. As we approached the edge of the field, Kaylee turned around and addressed us all.

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