Battle Pt. 1

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 Before I started driving, Echo pulled on my shoulder, turning me around to face her.

"Look, Jamie" she sighed, "before we go out there I need to tell you something."

I looked at her, nodding and trying to keep myself together. There was so much pressure on me right now and was still shook up from seeing my mom in the flame. Now my sister, my only family left, was right in front of me when I thought she had been dead for the past six years. My entire life had changed drastically in a matter of days and now I was expected to lead an army into a war, guided by some flame in my head that showed me memories of past nightbloods.

"I need to apologize," Echo told me.

"Echo no I-" I started but she cut me off.

"No, Jamie, let me tell you this," she interrupted, "I need to apologize to you for a lot of things but mostly for what you're going through right now. I am so sorry for ever doubting you J. Once you were taken and mom was gone, I went dark. I was angry at you for all the wrong reasons. I blamed you for mom and I blamed you for why I changed for Nia after you were banished. All that time I thought you were burdening my life and even mom's, when the truth is, you were the best thing to ever happen to us. You brought her so much happiness Jamie and if she could see you today I know she would be so proud of you."

"I saw her," I whispered.

"What? Saw who?" Echo asked in confusion.

"Mom," I said, "I saw her. In the flame. Echo, she's not just proud of me. She's proud of us. Both of us."

Echo shook her head and looked down. I brought my hand to her cheek, holding her face gently.

"You did what you had to do to survive and I wouldn't have wanted you to do anything different. What you did meant that we got to meet again and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I love you Echo, now let's go win this battle so that everything we did is worth it. First we survive, and then we figure out how to live," I told her, wrapping my arms around her neck and burying my face into her chest.

We stayed in our embrace for a few peaceful moments before I sensed something from the flame and knew that we needed to go.

"We need to go," I said, pulling away and putting my hands back on the wheel.

Echo nodded and I sped off, listening as Echo guided me towards wonkru.


As we approached the valley that Echo turned to me.

"Listen, Jame, a lot of bad stuff happened here today ok? We have to stay focused no matter what," she said sternly.

I nodded in agreement. I hadn't been there but I could tell from over the radio that wonkru had lost many soldiers today. Anyone left alive posed a threat to eligius so their orders were definitely to shoot anything moving. I worried for my friends from training, Ben especially. This was their first battle and it was a bloodbath. I prayed they were okay, I needed them to be. I switched the headlights off when we got close to avoid any unwanted attention. I could see the fallen bodies of wonkru. Tons of people lying lifelessly on the ground, their legs and arms twisted in agony from when they fell. Holes in their chests and stomachs showed how they died. They were face up and face down, some of their eyes still open, and some of their hands still clutching their weapons, looking like they were still ready to fight. I clenched my jaw as we drove through the battle field and tried to keep my eyes ahead and not on the bodies. So far I hadn't seen Bellamy, Monty, Harper, or Ben. I drove behind a part of the valley where the mountain jutted out so the spotlight that was sweeping across the valley didn't spot us. Echo and I hopped out to try and scout the scene out a little. We looked for any sign of movement or life among the dead masses.

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