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Clarke sat there, stunned out my sudden outburst, eyes filled with worry and confusion.

"Jamie..." she started.

"No. Just wait" I said, collecting my thoughts and summoning the strength to do what I was about to do.

"I want to tell you, Clarke. Everything."

Clarke just nodded in response. I headed into the trailer and sat on the bed. She followed behind me and sat next to me, taking my hand and squeezing it in assurance.

"Just promise me one thing?" I asked.

"Of course," Clarke said.

"You will still love me after I tell you" I breathed, my voice barely a whisper.

"Jamie, there is nothing you could tell me that would make me not love you. It's you and me now, and I wouldn't have it any other way" she said reassuringly.

I nodded and sat straighter up, turning my body to face Clarke and began to tell my story. I told her about my mother and how she would sing her song every day. How it would fill our home with comfort and love and how she would sing it to help me fall asleep when I couldn't. I told her how Echo had always been there. It was just us three but that was enough. I told her about Echo and I's walks and adventures we would go on, how we would bring back the ingredients for mom to make her special soup. I told her how mom was gentle and kind. I told her I never knew my father, and if I did, I didn't remember him. He hadn't wanted anything to do with our family once I was born. The rest of the town looked down at my family because of it. They saw my mother as weak, but I knew she was strong. It was us against the world it seemed, but she always made it feel like we were winning. I never felt less than anyone else and I never saw our family as less than anyone else.

As I told her about my family, I relived some of my favorite memories. Walking with Echo in the early mornings, learning to write with my mother, Echo and I making shadow puppets at night, and always looking at the stars before falling asleep. I even told her about the star that Echo and I had named, one that we would always have together. We named it "yumi"- "you and me" in grounder. I told her how I had looked up at our star every night for almost three years so I wouldn't forget Echo.

I moved into some of the less pleasant memories, telling her the story of my very first friend besides Echo or my mother. His name was Logan. He was four years older than me, but he didn't treat me like it. He was the first person that didn't judge me for my family. He didn't care that nobody seemed to want to be my friend, because he did. At least, that's what I had thought. We had been friends for a little over four months when I told him about my father. I told him that the rumors were true about what he did to my mother, about how it resulted in her having me. He had just laughed when I told him, like I had just told him a joke. He had gone back home and the next day he told me that I was just like my mother. So eager to have a friend that I would do anything to keep one. He told me I was pathetic and that he had befriended me on a dare because who would willingly spend time with me. That was the day I stopped trusting anyone but Echo and my mother. And it was six months before I was taken.

"Taken?" Clarke interrupted me.

"For natblida training" I explained before continuing.

I told her how when I was five, Queen Nia and her guards had come to our house. Echo was gone and it was just me and my mother. They had stormed in and demanded to see me. My mother tried desperately to stop them but it was no use. They would do anything to get to me. When I presented myself Nia had cut my wrist to prove that I was a nightblood. My mother had protested, I had struggled against the guards grasp but our attempts were hopeless and desperate. My voice grew quiet as I continued, reliving the morning.

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