18- Process

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The time passes by fast.

One week later, Jade's stitches have been removed, the hematoma on her back and stomach were already gone and the bruise on her face was also barely visible anymore. Also Jade felt better day by day. The day she had to go to the police to prepare the trial was very hard for her but talking to Perrie helped a lot. Any time she would have a bad thought, she could talk to Perrie and any time she was having worries or anxieties, what still happened a lot, Perrie was there to hold her and calm her down.

Another week later, Jade could walk with the crutches effortless, her torso only hurt every now and then and her face was almost completely back to normal. She could reduce the pain medication a lot and started to work a bit again, although from home, but it was a good first step.

Three weeks later, Jade could start to walk without the crutches, she was still limping but finally the plaster was gone and she could shower and bath without bothering. She became a lot more independent and didn't rely on Perrie to move her around and help her with everything. Followingly, Perrie had to start to work again and Jade was at home alone. Though Perrie didn't want to leave Jade alone and tried to convince the management to give her a bit more time with Jade, there was no chance. On the other side, it was a bit scary for Jade at first too and she had to call Perrie at least three times a day, but it got better and then she resorted to only text her now and then and then she didn't have to contact her at all and could actually do some chords at home, even though Perrie insisted that she should stay in bed and that she would do the house work. But Jade was starting to feel bored being home alone the whole day, also she felt like she owed them. In fact, she lived there for free and the others cared so well for her, so she could at least do something to give back. Now that she was mobile again and not 'sick' anymore, she could help.

Also there was the trial, and actually it went quite well. At first Jed insisted that he didn't do anything but the evidence was just too strong and he also started to get caught up in his own web of lies. Therefore, he didn't stand a chance and got a punishment of 18 months behind bars. Although they hoped for more, it was still something and Jade would be free from worries about him for the next time. But not everybody was as content as Jade, Perrie was furious. She was almost arrested herself because she lost her temper in court, and she also couldn't understand how Jade would be okay with this. But after some time, Perrie cooled down again and they were just glad that Jade at least got some justice.

A month later, Jade is almost healed again. Her wounds are all closed again, her broken bones healed to a good extent and the bruises disappeared, she didn't have to take any pain medication anymore, because the pain was gone. Her mind healed as well. Her and Perrie are closer than ever, even though they spend their days apart: They get up together, eat breakfast, but then Perrie goes to work. When Perrie comes home, they cook together dinner or Perrie cooks and Jade helps her, even though Perrie tells her to just lean back and relax. Then they would get to bed together. In the last days they even left the house, now that Jade's external wounds all have healed and her mental wounds were on a good path as well. They went for a walk to the park, the beach, just wherever there was some nature and peace.

Two weeks later, back to the present.

"Perrie, you know... I have to talk to you" says Jesy when she finally catches Perrie on her own because Jade is taking a shower.

"Yea sure, what's it?"

"I want to move out. Dean and I found a nice place where we want to move in together" Jesy smiles.

Perrie is a bit surprised to hear that, but nods "oh okay, sure... I mean that's nice for you, I'm really glad you're happy"

Jesy pulls Perrie in for a hug "Yes, I am. Also, at least then Jade and you have a bit more space, maybe she wants to move into my room... like officially"

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