chapter one.

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"He has an army called the chitauri..." Thor explained. He was standing by the table the rest of the avengers were currently sitting at, aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. "They're not of Asgard, or any world known to us. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return for, I suspect, the tesseract." the god added, meeting Steve Roger's concerned gaze.

"An army...from outer space..." Steve said as if he was digesting the info in his old little 40s brain. "So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for." Banner concluded aloud, before Maria Hill stepped closer to the table.

"I don't mean to interrupt your discussions, but Thor, someone in another one of our departments requested to talk to you. Would that be possible? It'll be quick, or at least that's what they told me," she asked, looking up at the god who was towering over her even from a few feet away. Which isn't all that surprising, considering his height (6'6).

Thor looked at the other Avengers before nodding, "Why, yes of course. Is it about my brother?" He asked as he started following Maria to a different room in the helicarrier.

"I don't believe it is," she shook her head, "I don't know for sure what they want. I'm not allowed much info in this specific area."  She sighed quietly before gesturing for Thor to walk into a room. He did, with not much worry because...Why would he be worried? He was a literal god compared to them.


As Thor walked into the room, there were two people there. Both were sitting in chairs with a small table and with one chair left empty. "You must be Thor," One of the men greeted. The other man, who wasn't speaking, had a notebook and a pen in his hand.

"I am." Thor confirmed, still standing awkwardly by the door that had now been closed by Maria Hill.

"I'm pleased to meet you. I've been extremely intrigued and interested in you ever since I first heard of your appearance in New Mexico," The man said, with a small, slightly unnerving smile. "Please, take a seat." Thor did as suggested, with a big sigh, and looked at them as if he was super happy someone actually wanted his intel on something.

The conversation carried on for about five minutes, the man with a notebook writing down everything Thor said. The talk consisted of the other man asking Thor various questions about Asgardian pshyche, and their means of transportation from Asgard to Earth, and back. After the five minutes were up, the man picked up a small remote, and turned on a medium sized screen that was hanging on the wall.

"We've been keeping Patient Zero in protective care for the last 86 years. Physically, she looks to have aged for maybe a year." The man turned his head to Thor. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you? I'm seeing a lot of similarities."

Thor leaned closer to the screen, squinting at it to look at it. "That is....a white picture." he concluded, seeing as the midgardian hadn't even put a photo up yet.

The SHIELD agent looked at the screen, before letting out a small "oh," and clicking his remote once more. It switched to an image, a live broadcast, of a young girl who looked around 16 to 18 years old, sitting in an empty room. Her skin was dark, almost the same shade as Heimdall or Fury's. Her hair was long, reaching all the way down to her hips even though it had been braided into two messy, unkept braids. She was wearing something that resembled a prisoner's attire, and her features were recognizable. Big, dark, puppy-like eyes, and prominent eyebrows. She was wearing some sort of gloves, but they looked restricting. More like advanced handcuffs than protective gear. She was sitting on the floor of the room, and looked tired, maybe even drugged.

Thor inched even closer to the screen now, looking at it as if he was inspecting it thoroughly, before turning to the agents. "You've been keeping her locked in there for 86 years?" he asked,  and the man who had been questioning him nodded. "She was found in 1926."

"Are you trying to drive her mad?" he asked, looking at them with a slightly disgusted expression.

"She was a national threat." The man explained calmly, "She's been in great hands the entire time, don't worry." he added, clearing his throat and giving the man taking notes a slightly concerned look.

"Where is she?" The norse god asked, leaning back away from the screen. The SHIELD agent cleared his throat once more. "She's safe, hidden in one of SHIELD's facilities.

"Bring her on the ship." Thor stated, before standing up. "I am not answering any more of your questions unless I get to speak to her." he added sternly, clearly bothered by the turn this conversation had taken. He abruptly got up, opened the door and left, heading back to talk to the other Avengers and probably to complain about what he had just been informed of.

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