chapter twentynine.

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Dahlia pulled away before Loki did, and she just looked at him, before moving further away from him.

"I-I shouldn't have done that." she blurted, still staring at her best friend, still intoxicated.

Loki still seemed concerned. "It's okay-"

"I-I-I...Could-I'm sorry, just-Could you...leave the room? Please?" she asked as she forced herself to stand up, Loki stood up at the same time, still mainly just worried about whatever she'd put in her system.

"Are you sure?" he asked, and Dahl nodded.

Loki hesitated, before opening her door and leaving, quickly leaving and going to his own room.

Dahlia woke up the  next morning, in her bed, with the same clothes still on. When she eventually checked her phone, she had gotten several videos from Caroline and Nick on snapchat.

Apparently, she had returned to the party after making Loki leave her room, she'd had a karaoke competition with Caroline with some karaoke machine one of Tony's guests had brought, with a song she didn't even know the lyrics to. (She had to read them off the screen)

There were two more videos of her chugging more alcohol, and one video where Thor had had a staring competition against her. (she won.)

She couldn't remember any of it. Actually, she couldn't remember anything from after the first few lines she'd sniffed. Her interaction with Loki was completely wiped from her now sober memories, she had no recollection of the kiss or the panic attack or anything after it.

Loki, however, who had spent the night sober, remembered everything.

Peter had texted Dahlia a link, she clicked it and it led her to the app TikTok, which she instantly downloaded to see a video of her and Thor's staring contest, with the caption 'Mom, pick me up I'm scared'.

Dahlia sent Peter a text asking him where he was, and when he responded that he was on the living room, she went to said room.

She got Peter to help her set up her own tiktok account, and he took the liberty to also add her on his Snapchat. She then spent an hour sitting on the couch watching tiktoks at full volume, completely in her own zone.

Peter got called by his aunt not long after helping Dahlia with her social media, so he went to his room to talk to her alone. Natasha had entered the living room while Dahlia was still watching Tik Toks.

"What are you doing, kid?" she asked as she sat down next to Lia, and watched her screen for a moment. "Social media? That was quick." 

"What do you mean?" Dahl asked, as she looked over at the redhead.

"You've had internet access for, what? A day? Already on social media." Nat elaborated.

"It'" Dahlia decided, smiling a tiny bit at Nat. "I wanna post something." 
"Please tell me you're not asking me to be in a video with you."

Dahlia rolled her eyes. "I'm not. But you're famous already, aren't you?"
"I guess."
"Well, where's my sliver of fame?"
"I'd say you got quite a bit of attention at the party yesterday."
"I...Rude." Lia commented and Nat laughed slightly.
"I'm sure Thor would looove to help you with your social media antics." Nat said with a small sigh as she got up from the couch. "You hungry? I'm gonna make myself some breakfast."

Dahlia nodded, and watched as Nat started leaving the room. "I don't think Loki would be happy about me posting his brother."
"He's the jealous type, huh? Well, post him then." Nat said as she left the kitchen.

Dahlia found the camera part of tiktok, and filmed herself for a moment. "Hey TikTok, I'm Dahlia and this is my first video on here. You might've heard of me. Earth used to call me 'Patient Zero'. Don't do that. Anywaaay..." she traced off and just kind of stared before ending that part of the video, and walking towards the bedrooms, before stopping outside of Loki's door. 

She flipped the camera, started filming, before forcing the door open, filming Loki, who was sitting on his bed, a book in his hand as he looked at Dahlia with a confused, slightly bothered expression. 

"Dahl, what are yo-"
"Good morning!" Dahlia shouted before backing out and slamming the door shut, leaving Loki on the other side just sort of sitting there, extremely confused about what the fuck just happened, while she just posted the tiktok, copying the link and sending it to Peter on snapchat.

Dahlia went back to the living room, and a few minutes later, Natasha came back in with two plates, one for her and one for Dahlia. They both had egg and bacon on them. "I didn't have enough hands to carry water aswell, so you're gonna have to be thirsty or go get it yourself." the assassin said with a small smile as she handed Lia her plate.

The two girls sat and ate while having a small conversation, where it seemed Natasha was avoiding mentioning Loki as much as possible.

Natasha's aura made Dahlia feel...sort of safe. Like Nat was putting in genuine effort to make Dahlia feel at home. It was appreciated.

While the two girls were eating, Thor entered the room. "Dahlia! Oh, uh, mornin' Lady Natasha." Thor added as he sat down next to Lia, looking slightly concerned.

"I've been trying to get my brother out of his room, but he won't talk to me. Has something happened? Is he...okay?" he asked, a bit quietly. "He's isolated himself ever since we got here."

"He's probably sulking because he's not allowed to leave the building alone." Natasha input, and Dahlia looked a bit concerned too. 

They'd been there for like three days, and Loki had only left his room...once? (excluding when he'd been in Dahlia's room) and he was practically forced out the time he'd left.

"Could you check on him for me?" Thor asked Dahlia, and Dahlia looked at him for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah. Of course."

she finished the last bit of food on her plate before walking back to Loki's door, knocking on it this time.

"Loki?" she asked, hesitantly.
"Why aren't you leaving your room?" she asked, quietly, still standing outside the closed door.
"Why should I leave the room?"

Dahlia paused, thinking about something that would make him want to actually leave the room. Little known fact, Loki can manoeuvre almost any vehicle ever.

"Do you wanna drive a car?"
"You know...borrow one of Tony's cars?"
"I'll let you drive."

Loki opened the door, and looked down at Dahlia, a small spark in his eye. "Dahl, what are you waiting for? Let's go."

dahlia? (a loki fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon