chapter thirtyseven.

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After what was realistically only a minute, but felt like an eternity to both princes, Dahlia woke up. She shot up in an instant, splashing water on everyone in the process. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were wide open.

Loki was caught by surprise and tensed up behind her, now almost completely covered in cold water. She wasn't shivering. Her body hadn't really gotten that cold yet either, although she was definitely colder.

Thor's face lit up when she awoke and he smiled like an excited puppy at both of them. "Lady Dahlia! You're awake!"

"How-How did I get in the bathroom?" She looked behind her at Loki. He was mute. Just looking at her.

She's alive. She's okay. She wasn't taken from me.

"Loki brought you. You were burning up-"

Loki started getting up from the bath, accidentally splashing even more cold water everywhere. Thor was pretty wet too now, but he didn't seem to mind.

"You lost consciousness." Loki explained, he didn't seem worried nor scared anymore. He seemed numb, maybe tired. He was once again putting up a front now that his brother was present.

He looked down at his brother who was still on the floor. "You can go. Thank you, Thor." He looked up at him, at first confused but then he got it. He nodded and stood up.

"Of course. I will see you two tomorrow!" He patted Loki on the shoulder as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Loki watched him leave while Dahlia tried to stand up. She almost fell in the process, but Loki caught her. He helped her out of the tub and she stood soaking on the floor.

"You scared me." Loki stated. Dahlia was staring at the floor. He waited for a response, but she had none. "Dahlia?" He repeated himself to no avail.

"Loki?" She asked, not looking up. She hadn't blinked yet either. She looked so feeble where she stood. Swaying slightly, soaking wet.

"What?" He was scanning her. Was she going to fall? Faint again? No, she wasn't that warm now. She was cooler. Why had that happened? It hadn't happened before, not to his knowledge.

"I don't feel well." She barely finished her sentence before rushing towards the toilet. In mere seconds she was kneeling on the floor, forearms resting on the seat as she puked into the bowl. Loki didn't even have time to process what happened before she was vomiting. Once he did process it he knelt down next to her, making sure her hair didn't touch the toilet. He rested a hand on her back again.

At first stuff was coming up, but she barely had anything to throw up. She was mostly just retching, a little blood came up but then it was nothing. Just painful retching echoing in the bathroom. Loki started rubbing her back comfortingly. She stayed in her position, leaning on the seat for at least a minute after she was done. She then leant back and flushed the toilet.

Loki let go of her hair and stood up, offering her his hand. She took it and he helped her stand. She looked up at his eyes, they stood there in silence. She was staring blankly at him, he was scanning her face in concern.

"Why do I do this?" She asked, her eyes not moving. Loki sighed, before shaking his head. "Why do I do this?" She repeated. He frowned, before cupping her face with both hands. "You should rest."

"Are you going to ignore me again once I wake tomorrow?" He shook his head somberly in reply. "Are you cross with me?" He shook his head again.

"Never. I never am."

"Are you lying to me?" He sighed once more, shaking his head at the same time. He leaned down and kissed her forehead then pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back. They stayed like that until someone opened the door. Fuck, they hadn't locked it.

dahlia? (a loki fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now