chapter six.

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The very same day Loki had let himself and Lia out, the attack on New York happened.

Lia was let out on the ground, while Loki went about doing whatever the fuck his plans were. The last thing he'd said to her was 'Thor won't let them kill me, worry about yourself. Do not care for the chitauri.'

Dahlia did as she was told, or at least tried to. She had a specific thing she really wanted to do now that she was out of government custody anyway, which happened to be visiting Starbucks.

Dahlia had never had to run into the concept of racism before she came to earth. Race was a cruel thing humans had invented, and though she was Asgardian, to Humans, she was black. And being black in America during the 1920s wasn't a nice experience, especially when you were homeless, alone and in government confinement.

Dahlia still didn't know the point to all of Loki's doings, but she did know this: if there was anything she wanted to do in that moment, it was beat the shit out of Captain America.

She had had run ins with him during the 40s, him and his stupid, nationalist face and american flag. What better way to get his attention than kill racists?

She walked into the starbucks as if everything was completely normal, before shutting and breaking the door so no average human would be able to open it. She then looked around at the people staring at her.

The cashier gave her a weird look, "Ma'am, you can't just do that-"
"I just did." Dahlia responded calmly, walking up to the cashier. Someone started trying to reopen the door, but it didn't work.

"Make me your best coffee." Dahlia instructed. The huge sword Loki had handed her was still in her hand.
"Is this some sick cosplay?" the cashier asked, and although Dahlia had no clue what that word meant, she shook her head.

"Make the coffee." she repeated, before turning to the closest white person in the store, who happened to be a young woman. Looking into the woman's eyes, Dahlia smiled slightly at her. "Obama, right?" Dahlia asked, before letting out a forced, fake laughter. "What a fucking communist!"

Dahlia had had very restricted access to media while in protective care, but the one thing she was allowed, was american history and politics. Obama was running for president, and she knew the easiest way to fish out a racist would be bringing him up. It wasn't like they could lie to Lia anyway, she could easily read the average persons thoughts.

"Right?" she asked, still looking into the girls eyes. "Who are you voting for?" As Dahlia asked, she focused on the girls thoughts, and she could tell she was racist. she didnt even need a moment before her thoughts went on about how black people shouldn't be presidents, and how she wished all white cafes were still real so Dahlia couldn't even walk in.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but Dahlia shushed her. "I'll let you in on a secret," she whispered into the girl's ear, before moving her sword slightly, "I can hear your thoughts." Dahlia added, before moving slightly away from the girl, and quickly but gracefully stabbing her in the heart with her sword. The girl's eyes were wide and desperate, but she couldn't get words out, the only thing coming out of her mouth, was blood. Deep red blood, dripping down onto her ugly top.

Dahlia pulled the sword out. "I'm terribly sorry for your loss." she then said to the girl sitting on the other side of the person Lia had just murdered. "But the world is better off."

Dahlia turned to everyone else, before pointing a finger at every black person, "Go over there," she pointed at the entrance. there were a total of 5 black people in the cafe, and they all hesitantly made their way over to where she'd pointed.

Dahlia sighed as she stared at everyone else in the store, they were all silently staring at her, a few of them were shakily filming. The barista had finished Lia's drink, so she pointed the sword at the barista. Before she got to speak, someone had pointed a gun at Dahlia's head and fired.

dahlia? (a loki fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now