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Home after school
Izzy POV
I came home upset hoping mom wouldn't be home so she could be by herself. She knew her mom would want to know what happened. I can't believe people could be so mean to such nice people.

Mom heard the front door close and came to see how my first day went.

"Izzy!! How was the first day of school?" She noticed my mood.

"Oh honey, what happened?"

"Mom? Why are people so nasty to those they don't know? And how can they also be happy with them selves?" Mom looked at me with sadness then pulled me into a hug.

"Sweetheart, I don't know what happened today but you seem very upset by it. Explain what happened to me please." Mom was still holing me I'm a hug.

I pulled away and looked at her " you can't tell anyone from the school if I tell you. Promise me? I said holding up my pinky.

She wrapped her pinky around mine. Then I statutes to explain.

"They were so mean! He never did anything to them."

"Sweetheart who's 'he' ?"

"His manes Eli He's sweet, kind, and quiet. The only reason they have to bully him is his lip."

"Well what happened to his lip?"

"I didn't want to ask what happened to it because he was already holding his hand over it all of lunch. He has a scar from his nose to his lip." Tears started forming in my eyes. I felt bad for him but I don't know why I felt this bad.

"Mom it was weird, sam was different around her friends. They were making fun of an overweight girl and Eli . She didn't even try to stop them."

I said. "What did you do about it?" Mom looking to see if I was the bigger person.

"Well i told them what they did wasn't cool and walked away and sat with the Eli and his two other friends. Demetri and Miguel."

I said feeling guilty I couldn't have done more. "I'm proud of you, that took courage."

"Thank you mom I felt really bad for them." Looking at her with a saddened expression.

"Well maybe one day this weekend you can invite them over to go swimming or watch movies and have dinner with us?"

"Really? I would love that! Can I invite all three?"

" of course sweetheart."

" thank you mom"

Later that night
I was scrolling though Instagram when I noticed the crew posted new content. I saw JT front and center doing his thing as leader. I can say as a mentor this was heart warming.

I wish I was there right now things were so easy. I had control, the crew listened to me and respected me.

They would never disrespect anyone for any reason because I taught them to be better then the competition by being the better competitor.

Because at the end of the day words didn't matter it's was what you did out on the dance floor that mattered and that's how we showed who was top dog.

We did what we did for the fun but I knew sometimes the fans and the cheering got to ours heads and we had to keep it in the back of our head if we're doing best possible thing for our future self.

They all thought it was a bunch of crap till I got a scholarship to the conservatory. I also got some of my crew members remediations from me to be able to get a scholarship and dance to their full potential.

I decided it would be best form me if I took a shower and went to bed. I had a long day and I bet the next ones going to be longer.

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A/N : hello!! I know this was a really short chapter but I'm hoping the next on is longer!

Thank you all for reading!!!!

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