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december 28th

right after the amusement park

y/ns pov

after getting my bear back from schlatt we all got in the car and wilbur started driving, i didnt know where we were going tho. schlatt was sitting behind me, tommy, and tubbo. he would lean into tommy's ear and whisper "simp" tommy would get mad and scream words, not like they made sense but, just words. we pulled into the parking lot of a arcade, it had flashing lights and you could see all the games from the outside. everyone got all excited and rushed out of the car, wilbur took like 7 hours talking to the lady. but he said we had to be in groups, i went with karl and quackity, each group shared tokens so we wouldnt run out too quickly. we first played the skee ball, karl won that but we both thought he cheated. next we played basketball and quackity won, he insisted that he should be in the nba. next we played the car racing where it was supposed to feel "real" karl won that game again but i had to win a game so i begged them to play another game. we played air hockey and i finally won something, we all split up and went to random games, trying to win tickets. i ended up winning 1000 tickets, everyone met up at the ticket counter and we looked at all the things we could get. i looked around till i saw this frog stuffed animal, i couldnt see how much it was so i asked wilbur. he said "it says 800 tickets, is that what ur getting?" i thought about it for a second and said "yup" i looked around for what else i could get, there was a duck plush for 120 tickets so i wanted to get that too, with the rest of my tickets i got candy. i waited in line, once it was my turn i went up to the guy and he said "well hello, what can i get this beautiful lady for today?" i said "i- uh can i have the frog, duck, and candy?" i gave him the little paper and he took it, got the things i wanted and came back. he had three ducks in his hand, candy, and a frog. i was about to say "uh i only asked for one-" he cut me off and said "its my gift to you, take it" i thanked him and grabbed my stuff, i waited with wilbur, niki, and schlatt until everyone else finished. while we were waiting schlatt said " y/n i thought you only had 1000 tickets? how come u have like 7 things" i said "oh he was flirting with me and gave me 2 extra for free" schlatt laughed and i gave him one, as a "friendship" type thing. quackity came over and i gave him one too, so we were all matching animals. tommy and tubbo walked over and tommy said "how come you guys are matching! thats not fair!!" everyone laughed and we all walked out to the car. we all got in the same way from last time, we were in the car for abt 20 minutes until we got to this small diner. it was really cute, im surprised that they could even take our whole group at the same time. quackity sat next to me since he's clingy, i took a picture of him looking at the menu and posted it on twitter

*one attachment*
quackity supremacy!!
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felt cute, might delete this later
jschlatt's reply to quackity4k
ur always cute
y/nluv's reply to jschlatt
get out of my comments lovebirds

tubbo's reply to tommyinnit
y/nluv's reply to tubbo
quackity4k's reply to tommyinnit
once we get out of this diner get ready to get beat
tommyinnit's reply to quackity4k
uhhh no thanks

i looked at the menu and picked y/f/f (your favorite food) everyone told the waitress what they wanted and she walked off, i went on my phone, showing quackity random tiktoks that i find funny. after about 30 mins our food was done, we all ate our food. once we finished i waited for everyone else to finish, quackity finished his food right after me so we were able to talk. we both talked and talked until i heard someone yell "happy birthday" i looked around to see the waiters and waitresses surrounding us with two plates in hand, they were singing happy birthday and put down the plates. they told us to blow out the candles so we did, all of us laughing and smiling. we ate the cake and let our waitress take the plates, we all got up and put some type of tip in. once we got in the car i thanked everyone, even if they didnt do anything i still appreciated everything they do. it was getting kinda dark so we went back to the airbnb, once we got there everyone agreed on watching a movie together. i was scrolling though tiktok and i saw an animation of schlatt doing the rasputin dance (if u dk what that is just search up rasputin on tiktok) i showed schlatt and he laughed i begged him to recreate it, it took a while but he actually got up and let me teach him how to do it. quackity wanted to do it with us too so i taught him too. once they both got it down, i started the tiktok and the sound started to play, i was in the back and quackity and schlatt were in the front. once the 15 seconds were over schlatt said "that was the stupidest fucking thing ive ever done" i laughed and grabbed my phone, posting the tiktok. as the caption i put "petition for schlatt to get tiktok" we watched though the movie even tho everyone fell asleep in the middle of it, i woke up to tommy slightly shaking me. tommy whispered "y/n, get up i wanna give you something" my eyes fluttered open, looking at tommy. he pointed at the balconey and i followed him out, for a second i thought he was gonna throw me off but once the little box showed up i didnt think that. the box was a navy blue, i opened it and it was 2 necklaces. one had a T on it and one had Y/I (your first inital) i smiled and looked at tommy, i said "tommy you didnt have to get me anything" he laughed a bit and said "well it was for christmas but i forgot to give it to you" we both laughed and he helped me put it on, and i helped him put his on. i hugged him and said "thank you tommy, i really appreciate it, you dont even know how much i appreciate it" he hugged me back and said "of course y/n, anything for u" after a few minutes of us hugging i said "can we going inside its cold" tommy giggled and agreed, so we both went back inside. i wanted to stream even tho it was late, i went back downstairs and up to tommy and whispered "do you want to stream with me?" he jumped up without even saying anything and followed me up to my room. after i got setup ready for my stream i started it, we did just chatting for most of it, then on the smp for a bit. after i finished streaming i was super tired, and it was late. tommy went to his room and i just went to sleep.

(WHOLESOME TOMMY!!! anyways just to clarifty tommy has ur inital and u have tommy's. anyways make sure u have food, water, and some rest!! love uu<3)

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