The project

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"TIK TOK TIK TOK" the clock hung neatly over the door clicked as the teacher droned on about Christopher Columbus and how he was such a wonderful explorer.

My eyes began to become heavy as he never took a breath switching over to Eastern Europe.

"And if you're really a sci-fi fan, you'd love to hear that vampires actually originated from here, well... at least the idea of them", the kid that sat next to me scoffed as if he were offended by the statement. 

"RING RING RING"  the school bells roared to life, interrupting whatever he was talking about; the room suddenly lit up as all my classmates began to pack their bags, "we're gonna do something fun this week guys, you will be doing an essay on vampires and their origins and powers," he said as everyone began filling out his room.

I began traversing the horribly packed halls; if I moved fast enough, I would run into Sierra. I turned the corner towards the cafeteria, where she usually hung out at the end of the day.

There she was, she was propped up on a wall surrounded by her friends, she was wearing a leather jacket that had little spikes at the shoulders, black jeans, and a shirt that read "Sch00l Suxz", God she hot, I thought admiring her long sleek black hair and hazel eyes so much I bumped into someone right in front of me.

"Watch where you're going dork" he hissed turning around to face me, it was the kid that sat next to me, and his outfit was near identical to hers, a black leather jacket with black pants and a shirt reading instead "Rest for the Wickd", "S-sorry," I said not making eye contact with him. He scoffed and continued walking towards the exit on the near side of the cafeteria.

I stuck my tongue out behind his back before turning to admire Sierra some more, but she was gone, her entire friend group had vanished in the about 30-second interaction I had with my classmate.

"DING!" my phone vibrated as I got a message.

Hey honey I'm going to be at work late today
so stop by the deli and get some food after


I closed my phone and changed the direction I was walking, this was the fifth time this week she had to stay late to treat her patients. 

I decided to take the more scenic route through the park so I could get more picture for my album, I planned on making a picture book about nature and its inhabitants, the park seemed more deserted than usual, I shrugged and pulled out my camera.

I finished taking pictures, a couple of this really pretty group of daffodils, I was very proud of the progress I made today and put the camera back into my bag. I walked up the stone stairs as I began to exit the park but a strong decaying smell invaded my senses, I covered my nose as it only got worse while I continued to walk, maybe its a dead animal? that would probably look great in the decay section of my book, I thought deciding to look for the cause of the smell.

I turned the corner towards the closed-off part of the park, which was closed due to the rapid deaths of wildlife, you can do this Laura it's only the corpse of a deer or something, get a pic and get out I thought to myself climbing over the protective fence camera in one hand and another in my pocket where my dad's switchblade was.

I carefully walked toward the horrid smell which my nose had now gotten used to, I turned a corner and my heart dropped.

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