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Someone was hunched over the body of another person, ripping into it savagely, a splatter of blood from a newly torn shred of flesh splashed onto my face and I let out a loud gasp.

The figure's head snapped up, illuminating it in dim light; it was my classmate, his eyes gleaming red, and his once neat black hair was messy and disheveled, his skin a pale white.

He let out an inhuman growl, and I didn't waste any time; I burst into a running sprint climbing over the fence with him in hot pursuit; I lept over the guard rail, landing on the grass hard, I bit my lip in pain and continued running, I didn't stop running until I was safely in the deli which was the only store open at the time, what the fuck was that?

"Is everything alright, ma'am?" one of the waiters asked, noticing I had a panicked look and I was breathing heavily. "I'm fine. Can I get a number 5, please?" I replied, smiling. I sat down at one of the little tables waiting for them to finish my order. Was he really eating him?  It didn't take long for the waiter to come with my order. I paid her and gathered the strength to leave.

I burst into another sprint, a sharp stream of pain flew up my leg as I did so, and I let out a yelp falling to the ground in pure agony. "Fuck, shit, dammit, bitch, whore, slut" I cursed under my breath as I limped slowly towards my house.

I lumbered into my room, dropping my food on the bed and collapsing onto the floor, wrong order, I thought, chuckling weakly. I pulled my pants leg up to see how bad it was, and I let out a gasp; my foot was turning a dark reddish-purple, I must've sprained my ankle.

I climbed into my desktop chair and turned my computer on, "what are things that eat humans?" I looked up on google, trying to make sense of what I just saw, "lions, tiger, leopard, large crocodilians," I read aloud. It wasn't some animal I was sure I saw my classmate. While I was scrolling, I saw the tag mythical at the corner of my eye, "oh what the hell," I said, shrugging.

"Wendigo, Chupacabra, Zombie, and Vampire" realistically, he couldn't be a wendigo nor chupacabra because he maintained his mostly human form, I thought, scratching my head, I clicked on the subreddit from vampires. I scrolled through the abilities and powers, and it just didn't fit with the description... if he had super speed and super strength, how did he not catch up with me in the instant I turned to run? Maybe I really was seeing things, I thought, closing my computer and laying down on the bed, fading into a deep sleep.

"We have to wake her up now" "we mustn't waste any of this blessed time," voices whispered, "Clara! Clara?!" my dad's voice rang through my ears, he was shaking me hard, but my eyes wouldn't open, whos Clara? I reached my hands out, I felt hands grab mines, interlocking their finger with mines, "we don't have a lot of time Clara, you're in grave danger, stay away from the dark, and don't talk to anyone with jade eyes" he said, his voice almost panicked, "sir! we have to move; they're back!" I heard a panicked voice screech. Suddenly I felt a wave of fear, sudden helplessness, and weakness,  "I promise ill see you again" he said and I felt a kiss on my forehead.

"DING, DING, DING, DING" my phone's notifications blared, ripping me away from my weird dream. I laid upon my bed eyes widened, "what the living fuck?" I said sitting up and picking up my phone.

Hey hey hey hey hey

Did you seriously forget
that you were supposed
to meet me outside 

Oh shit, I totally forgot 
 Lils  my mom texted me
 and it slipped my mind

Yeah yeah, keep those shitty
excuses to yourself ok? Get
to school already young lady,
Do you hear me?

Yes ma'am

What an idiot,  I thought smiling and got ready to go to school.

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