I Love You

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Tyler's POV

After Mila and I got back to the house from spending the whole day together, I went upstairs to my room. I needed time to think. I was engaged to be married and here I was falling in love with a girl I met 5 days ago. I had to tell her, it wasn't fair on her. She opened up to me about Liam at the café this morning and here I was, hurting her the same way. I walked to the bathroom that was in my room and splashed my face with some water by the sink. I had no idea Kayleigh would be in the same place that the guys brought me. Kayleigh and I agreed that instead of having a day or weekend of a bachelor party like every other normal person did, we would each take a week doing whatever we wanted. I loved the idea, and when I told the guys, they were more than willing. But now, here I am, in love with Mila. I hadn't even told her how I really feel. I don't want to just be her friend. I want to be more than that. I want to be her boyfriend, her best friend, her confidant. One day, I hope to be her husband and I want her to be the mother of my children and to grow old with her. I need to tell her, and I need to do it now.

I walked out of my bathroom then out of my room and made my way down the hall towards Mila's room. I stood by the door before knocking. I heard footsteps moving towards the door, before it swung open and revealed a beautiful Mila. I know we spent the whole day together, but I just couldn't get enough of her. I kept my expression neutral so she couldn't tell what I was feeling just yet. "Tyler? What's wrong?" she asked me when I still hadn't said anything. 

"We need to talk Mila" I spoke with seriousness in my voice. Without saying another word, she moved out of the way so I could enter her room, which I did. She closed the door behind her. Mila broke the silence first. 

"Okay, so what did you want to talk about?" She asked me. I took a deep breath before answering. 

"Mila, I...". Just as I started, Nick burst through her room door. Seriously, why do people always need something at the worst times? 

"Ty, you might wanna come with me" Nick said. I looked at Nick just as Mila also looked between Nick and I, confused as to what was going on. 

"Yeah, just give me a minute" I told Nick before looking back at Mila, wanting to continue with what I was about to tell her. "Mila..."

"Ty!" Nick interrupted again, growing impatient

"He said in a minute!"

"I said in a minute!" Mila and I shouted in unison, frustrated at Nick's constant interruptions.

"I don't think this can wait" Nick said, not taking the hint. I let out a frustrated sigh, and started following Nick out the door after telling Mila that I'd be right back.

"Your timing was impeccable bro" I told Nick as I was following him down the hall. 

"Sorry bro, but I didn't know what else I was supposed to do" he said, as we were nearing the stairs. 

"Do about what? And what was so urgent that I had to ... oh no" I stopped talking once we got to the stairs. At the bottom stood Kayleigh, with her bags and all. I heard footsteps coming from behind me just as I ran down the stairs, even skipping a few steps in the process. "Kayleigh, what are you doing here?" I asked her confused as to why and how she was here. Just then she walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. 

"Well hello to you too. And I told you I would message you, but when you didn't respond to any of my messages, I asked your parents where you were staying and they gave me the address. So, I thought I would surprise you" she told me, smiling. I couldn't help but look straight in Mila's direction. I was filled with guilt. I knew she would hate me for this and I didn't know how to stop any of it. "Oh no, where are my manners" Kayleigh said, walking towards Mila with an outstretched hand offering her to shake it. "Hi, I'm Kayleigh, Tyler's fiancé".

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