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I was sitting on my floor,  contemplating what had just happened , I wiped up my makeup that was ran all over my face I laid on my floor for a few minutes , until I heard a knock at my door, they opened it and I saw my brother "you good" I nodded "I'm fine" "I saw that whole scene at the dance" I nodded , "yeah we just had a fight it was nothing" "if it was Nothing I don't think you would be laying on you're floor crying in a prom dress" "it was nothing really" I said , "why do you tolerate this Betty" "tolerate what" I asked , "you've always let people treat you like you're nothing because that what you think you deserve" "he doesn't treat me bad we had one fight so what" "when you want to come to the realization that maybe you two aren't perfect for each other , let me know" "I won't let you know because he's the love of my life , I'll never find someone better than this" "you believe whatever you want to Betty"  he said right before he walked out of my room , I Couldn't comprehend the fact that anyone in this world would be better with me than him , so I didn't .
    It was Monday and had been two whole days since me and jughead have really spoke , I walked into school with yet another scarf , it was lunch and I was in the newspaper , jughead walked in "I've been looking for you" I nodded slowly , "it's about the other night" "if you're trying to apologize it's fine" "no it wasn't fine I just completely lashed out I'm so sorry " "it's fine it really is" "I want you to know I love you , I'd never want to hurt you , and I'd never stop trying to protect you" I slightly wiped my tear "my dad said that to me once , and that night the look in you're eye , he had that same eye , he had that same motive" "what are you suggesting Betty" he asked , "I think I'm scared of you" he hugged me and just repeated the sentence "I'd never hurt you" after a few moments I said , "if you want to kill your self just tell me, I can't stand the pain of not knowing what you went through now that you're here" "I'd never kill myself , you know that" "I didn't think my dad would kill him self either"  "I'd never leave you alone in this world" he said , "you worry for me to much" "you're all I have left in this world" I nodded "I love you so much that sometimes it hurts , but please don't act like you did that night again" "I cross my heart" as I was slightly shaking I slowly pulled off the scarf from my neck "I had just got back from the gas station and I walked back into the hotel , and some guy he had a really sharp knife against my neck and I just sort of kicked him , and he slit my throat , i indefinitely would've been dead , but some lady she walked by , and found me " he sort of looked at my in disbelief, looking around my neck , I quickly wrapped my neck back up in the scarf "okay enough of that" he held me in his hands , "I'm so sorry" "don't sympathize with me like it's you're fault" "but I promised" he said "and I told you , you're not my protector , you don't owe me anything , what happened happened  , there's no way to go back and change what happened"  then the bell rang "isn't it the first game thing of the season" he nodded , "well you better get going to practice"  he nodded "alright , I'll see you later" he said before he kissed my forehead and walked out ,
    It was around 5th period and during the passing period there was suddenly a lot of sound coming from the hallway , I walked over to see what it could've been , and saw a group of at least fifty people , witch meant there was a fight , I tried squeezing my way through , because me like everyone was nosey, and when I did manage , I saw jughead and sam, like the one that tried to , well you know , I would indefinitely get hit if I tried to instigate , so I let it happened for like 2 minutes , then it ended because the principal came, I sat with jughead in the office "why did you do that" "well we were in the field practicing and he was talking to some of his friends , and he said , "she isn't even pretty enough to say no" and I asked him who , and he said , "well Betty of course" so I punched him , and he was like "you can't seriously be defending that slut" and so I like beat the shit out of him " , "for me ?" He nodded before I placed my head on his shoulder ,
It was later at night and it was mid way through the football game , and I wanted to go smoke , so I went near behind the bathroom , until I heard a crying type sound , I looked around for a few seconds , and as I walked it got even louder , until I saw some girl on the floor , she was obviously in some type of despair, I walked up to her "hi" "hey" she said , "you good" "yeah I'm fine" "by the looks of it I don't think you are" "I'm okay , my cat just died" I sat next to her , "when I was little , i had a cat , and I named him pickles , he was my best friend in the whole world , one day I found him dead in the backyard because some coyote ate him" she nodded "I don't see how that's supposed to help me" "the analogy was off but I'm not gonna say you're cats in a better place , because it's corpse is probably rotting in a backyard somewhere , but at least while it lived it had a good life " she nodded "it wasn't my cat , I just said that so you'd fuck off , but my mom just died of cancer" , "I'm not gonna say sorry because that's all I've heard all my life when people found out about my father , and I'm not gonna tell you how you should feel because people grief in different ways , but I will say that death is normal , it's gonna happened to everyone , you shouldn't be wondering what you did wrong in you're life the way I did , the only thing left on you're stages of grief is acceptance , live on you're life understanding that you're mom won't be in it ever again" , she nodded "I just moved here , and I know nothing here and I have no friends or anything" "well I'm Betty , Betty cooper " "what happened to you're father , if you don't mind me asking " "when I was a little girl he killed him self" "harsh" I nodded , "I think I'm fine now , but do you want to hang out tommrow , maybe show me around the school ?" She asked , "yeah here's my number " I said before I passed her a peace of paper with my number on it "what's you're name by the way" "sage , like the herb" "ill see you around then" that night when I got back home me and her texted for hours until I saw the daylight .

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