2-Training with Blondie

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"Okay you ankle-biters.. Let's get to the training grounds then your good for lunch," Aizawa sighed. Everyone got excited and ran outside to change into their costumes. I bit my lip as I followed but trailed from the back.

"Hey, Y/N. C'mere." Aizawa called out softly.

I obviously agreed and stood next to him.

"Yeah, Aizawa-Sensei?" I arched a brow with a smile.

"You have the strongest quirks in class. That goes without question; but when it comes time for you to spar and fight them do not go full force- I've never told any student that. Don't underestimate your classmates, they are strong- But we both know you could kill each and every one of these kids without hesitation, if your second side comes out.." He explained with a sad expression.

I understood that. My quirk was powerful. No one could compete if I used each and everyone of my abilities.

"But give it your all, okay?" He reassured.

"Hold back, give it your all? Pick a struggle will ya?" I joked with a smile to lighten the mood.

"Hehe. Your hero costume is coming tomorrow, so it'll be ready by next sparring session. Me and your mom are very proud of you. I expect the most from you; got it, kid?" He smirked.

"Yeah, okay dad," I teased. He gave great fatherly speeches, I couldn't lie.

He was even coming for dinner tonight. Well he did once a week but still; what the hell? They were dating in my mind.


I think we were this close because he knew my dad. Hell they were friends. They both wanted my mom apparently, and eh, he won. I've always rooted for Aizawa though.

"Anyways let's get out. I plan on kicking that cute blonde's ass," I playfully glared.

"Oh God," He facepalmed. He knew I could be competitive.

We rushed outside, to see everyone wearing cool costumes. I was stuck in the gym uniform.

"Hey Y/N! C'mere!" Mina shouted.

"Oh hey, girl," I smiled.

"Soo, to welcome you to U.A, I wanted to personally invite you to our monthly party. Like we get crazy. But it's only the Bakusquad an' shit." She giggled. The fuck is a Bakusquad.

"What's a bakusquad?" I arched a brow.

"Basically, Me, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, and Bakugo. We've all been best friends since last year!" She nodded. The fuck would I wanna be one of his minions for? Just 'cause he's hot.

"Uh sure, I'll let you know! My mama kinda strict, so ya know," I smiled awkwardly.

"Oi extra. Pinky said your going- You're fuckin' going." He snarled.

"You ain't gonna be telling me what to do; Move it blondie. I'm tryna start training." I rolled my eyes.

"Since your so into training, I wanna go against up with you. You're so strong right? Let's see that quirk." He chuckled.

"Bakugo, don't start.. She doesn't wanna fight your steroid-headass.." Kaminari joked.

"Well it would be fun to see her quirk," Sero chuckled awkwardly with a small blush.

"You wanna go heads up with me? Me? You boutta get your shit rocked," I smirked "Let's do it."

"Since your so confident. let's put a little wager on it. Your a god in battle apparently: So am I. Let's see what you got. Loser is the person outta the training ground first, so whoever steps out looses.. Looser owes the winner 100 bucks." He offered. 100 dollars? Say less.

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