stay quiet..

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    "Hush, be still, give me your phone, If you scream I will kill you" he said to me. 

     Tears was running down my face as he threw me around the street trying to get me in the trunk of his Crown Vic.

    I fought and fought for him to just let me go but he never did . I grew weaker and weaker by the minute. Once he got me in his trunk he said to me "stay quiet". I beat on the trunk harder and harder hoping that maybe someone would hear me. I kicked and screamed , but still no one ever heard me because of his act of turning the radio up louder . 

     I knew that no one would look for me, My mom was a alcoholic and my dad wasn't in my life. No one really cared. The trunk of his car was foul- smelling. I noticed that it was a big black trash bag beside me once I gave up on trying to escape , It was no help for me. I reached for the trash bag trying to see if it was maybe something in there that could help me.

A body. I felt a body. A woman. Dead. As if she has been there for a while, just rotting.

     I began to cry even harder as my mind wandered onto if he was going to do the same thing to me. I didn't understand what he wanted with me , I'm just a child.

     We came to a stop, my heart started to pound rapidly. "Somebody help me please " I screamed out. I yelled louder and louder . Footsteps grew closer and closer to the trunk only to see that it was him.

"Get out , hurry up , If you try anything you won't make it to see another day" he said to me.

    Once I got out the trunk, I had no idea where I was, I know that we drove for at least 6 hours. The house was old and seemed to be abandoned. 

     "Go in the house Kaleigh so that you can freshen up" he said pushing me into the house . He guided me into the bathroom, in his hand he gave me a razor, clothes, and a long blonde wig with a bang, a wash rag and a small piece of soap.

Confused. Kaleigh? Was that who I was now. 

HushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora