IDFB 14c: Bombs Away 💣

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Everyone stared at Flower for a moment, not saying a word or moving to help her.

"Drat," Golf Ball finally cursed. "I can't believe I forgot about the fish monster's annual migrating season!"

Match questioned, "The whatso?

Pencil turned to her. "You see, Match, at about this time every year, the fish monsters in the ocean migrate to the Yoyle coastline and go crazy there for about a month or two. We tried getting past them once, but they just eat anything they see. It's basically a wall of stark raving madness!"

"An impenetrable wall of stark raving madness," GB muttered. "There's no getting past them. Our boat is probably destroyed by now, anyway." She turned to TB. "I was hoping we could keep the other location a secret, but now I guess we don't have a choice."

"Other location?" Fries wondered.

Tennis Ball looked at the other objects. "About eight months ago, Golf Ball and I relocated her underground factory to a place about an hour and a half's walk east of here. It's a grassy plain, very similar to the one we competed in down in South Goiky, but there's also a lovely forest with golden trees nearby, as well as a small building and patio."

"OOOOOOOHHH!!" Puffball gushed. "GOLDEN trees???"

Golf Ball sighed. "No, they're not actually made of gold - they're just colored that way. But I believe that it is a suitable place to relocate, at least for now." She began to pace again. "We're running out of time and need to think of a new plan. Even between the 24 of us - 23 since Dora is still frozen - I'm not sure we can carry the LOL for an hour and a half." She was starting to wear a circle in the ground with all her pacing.

Book glanced at Ruby. "Hey, what about that box?"


"The box we found in the science museum. The one that can fit anything inside it," Book clarified.

"Oh yeah! Pencil has it right now, and she's using it to store the FreeSmart Supervan."

Pencil overheard what they said. "No, no, no, Book! I'm not taking out the Supervan!"

"Pencil, come on. This is bigger than us. We can't just leave the rest of the objects trapped in there!" Book countered. "And we can use the Supervan to drive away from the city much faster than we could walk!"

Pencil just crossed her arms and pouted. It would have been almost funny in a lighter situation. Book kept going. "Unless you want to carry the LOL several miles...?"

Pencil glanced over to Match, who just shrugged. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine," Pencil relented. She pulled out the small wooden box. "Everyone step back."

Everyone stepped back. Pencil gingerly opened the box and the FreeSmart Supervan whirled out, landing on the ground and almost crushing Gelatin in the process.

Golf Ball stopped. "Where did that- never mind. At least we have easy transport to the golden forest."

"There's something else, too." Pencil reluctantly showed Golf Ball her box and explained how it worked.

"This is perfect!" GB was almost ecstatic. "Who's the fastest runner here?"

"Probably me." Needle.

"Alright, everyone. New plan. Needy-" *slap* "-and Puffball will go over to the LOL and use Pencil's box to transport it. Puffball, be ready to fly Needle out of danger in case the other human shows up. Book and Ruby will stick to their original plan. Everyone else, let's keep going to the HPRC to destroy it. It's at the eastern most side of the city anyway, and we're heading east, so it's simply more convenient. Pencil, how many people can your van fit?"

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