Chapter 5 // bad timing

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Draco's POV // September 5th

I woke up after Hermione again and tried figuring out what happened yesterday

We both smelt each other... does that mean she likes me? Or is there someone else who wears my cologne, likes quidditch and uses spearmint toothpaste? That's highly unlikely but, I mean, she hates me...

but then again the first night we were here Blaise had made sure I looked good even though I didn't want to and I'm guessing the same thing happened to Hermione...

I don't know, there's no point in dwelling over what could have been

I went in the shower and got dressed before walking down the stairs to Hermione having already eaten and reading a book... again

"why are you always reading?" I asked as I tucked into my breakfast

"because I like it"

"that's not really an answer"she closed her book and turned to look at me "yes?" I said, feeling like she was gonna hit me with it

"I've read the note and we have two more games to play today," she handed me the note

Dear Mr Malfoy and Ms Granger,

Today you're going to be playing two more games, these are the following-

1 - truth or dare. if you pick truth you must drink veritaserum before you say your answer, if you pick dare you have to do that dare or take a shot of firewhiskey

2 – question me. both of you take it in turn to ask questions and both answer truthfully, veritaserum is optional and will require only 1 drop

Sincerely, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall

"oh, those look like more fun than yesterday"

"yeah" she agreed "so should we do truth or dare first?"

"yeah" we went to get snacks from the kitchen

"Before we start I'm telling you now that I have never drunk alcohol and I don't plan to so don't you even try giving me a bad dare" she warned

"you've genuinely never had alcohol?" I wasn't surprised considering who she is, yet I mock pretended to be

"No, now let's get on with it"

"Okay, no need to get all third year on me"

"truth or dare?" I already had a plan in mind for how this game will go


"what's your full name?" I decided to start easy

"well that's no fun, Hermione Jean Granger" she fake pouted "truth or dare?"


"owl Professor Snape and confess your love for him" the excited expression had changed to a mischievous smirk

"you're evil," I said, standing up, I got a quill and a piece of parchment and wrote down my 'confession of love' down before showing it to Hermione who giggled and nodded to me, I called my owl from our room and tied the letter to his leg before he left

I sat down "truth or dare?" I was so gonna get her back for that

"hmm.. truth again, you're gonna get me back and I don't really fancy having a revenge dare," she said with an innocent smile

"fine, uh... when's your birthday?" I huffed, I couldn't think of anything interesting

"once again your no fun, 19th of September," weird, that's Blaise's birthday too "truth or dare malfoy"


"what's the deal with you and ferrets?"

"There is no 'deal'"

"sure there isn't" she winked at me

"let's just play the next game frizz"

"fine" she scowled

We drank a few drops of veritaserum, so we didn't have to take another one every question

We started the next game, Hermione asked the first question "what's your favourite colour?"

"red, you?"

"" she responded, very shy all of a sudden

"Really?" she gave me a look "okay... if you could be in any other house which would you pick?"

she thought for a second "Ravenclaw, they're all smart... And no one gets bullied for it in their house..." she trailed off

"mine would be Hufflepuff, they're mostly ignored, and nobody talks about them much, I'd like that" I frowned at what she had said before and I felt bad about what I had been saying all those years "what's your dream job?" I asked getting on to a lighter side

"a healer I know it sounds-"

I interrupted her "that's my dream job too"

she looked shocked at this "really?"

"Yeah, I guess just to repay for all the things that Lucius and I did..." I trailed off, realising what I had said

"oh... well what's your favourite food?"

I smirked "I think you know that one already"

"hmmm..." she scratched her head as if she was thinking "I wonder.. what was it? Red apples?"

I laughed "green apples"

"oh! I should've known!"

"what's yours?" I was enjoying getting to know her better

"treacle tart" I grimaced "what? You don't like treacle tart? What's wrong with you?" she punched my arm playfully

"it's disgusting, I don't know how you could like that" she scoffed at my answer but before she could say anything "what is the corporeal form of your Patronus"

I had to say this very quickly and dodge her fist that was about to collide with my arm again she tried punching me again, in hopes she would get me, so I tackled her onto the sofa, I didn't notice how close our faces were

"you didn't answer me," I sang

she laughed "it's a potter... who knew Draco Malfoy had a soft side huh?" she mocked

"oh no, mine is a dragon and last I checked, dragons don't have soft sides" I whispered

"Everyone has a soft side Malfoy"

"maybe I do"

she leaned forward-

lunch popped up on the table and we snapped back to reality


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