painted bruises

324 11 6

Hold on


The door behind him closes as he enters into the hall. Tweek releases a sigh he didn't know he was holding in and peers down at the twenty five dollar bill clutched into his hand. "Are all schools like this?" Tweek thinks to himself before being shoved roughly to the side. Cartman stomps passed him in a fury of rage, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. He turns back and eyeballs Tweek when he notices the boys stare drilling down his back.

"You think this is funny, huh?" Cartman says while giving him a glare.

Tweek twitches with a sudden rush of anxiousness before returning the favor and walking past him. However just as he's about to turn the corner, Cartman reaches out for him and tries to yank him back. Immediately a yelp escapes his lips as he feels cartmans hands searching through his pockets. "I know the stupid principle gave u twenty Bucks. Where is it?!" Cartman demands out. "Arrghh! Get the fuck away from me-" Tweek exclaims as he's tries to shove Cartman away, and not drop the twenty bill wrapped in his palm. Cartman then roughly pushes him, and sends him flying back towards one of the lockers behind them. Tweek lets out a strangled gasp of pain as his head hits the metal, and his money falls out of his hand. "Ha! See that wasn't that hard." Cartman laughs, picking up his money off the ground. But right as he's putting the money in his pocket, a familar face turns up.


Instantly the two of their eyes meet up as he aproaches them. He looks towards Cartman and then back at Tweek, examining all the bruises that painted his friends skin.

"Why are you beating up, Tweek?" Craig gives Cartman the death stare.

"Oh, well u see, he was talking shit about my mom-"

"I know Tweek wouldn't do that. Give him back his money."

Cartman scowls at Craig. "You want your boyfriend's money so bad, come get it." A mischievous grin pulls at his lips.

Before Cartman can even blink, Craigs fist comes into contact with his face and he's out cold. He grabs the twenty dollar bill out of cartman's hand, and makes his way over to Tweek.

"Are you okay?" Craig questions, handing Tweek back his money. He gazes at Craig in captivation.

"Jesus! Thanks for helping me." Tweek says managing to offer him a weak smile. Craig offers him his hand and Tweek pulls himself up.

"Can u walk?" Craig asks him. Tweek releases his hand from Craig's and tries to take a step. Instantly his vision goes blurry for a second and he loses his balance. Craig's arm wraps around his shoulder and Tweeks pulled closer towards Craig for support.

The thought of Craig's warm body rubbed up against his own causes Tweek to flush red.

"The nurses office then?"

Stunned, Tweek just manages to answer with a nod and Craig helps him walk to the nurses office.

Once they arrive the nurse hands Tweek a tyonel and a ice pack. "These should do just fine." The nurse beams. "Let me grab you some water to wash that down." She says before leaving into another section of the room.

The air is silent until Craig pulls up a chair next beside Tweek.

"Not to be an asshole or anything, but how did u get those bruises?" Craig suddenly questions.

Tweeks head jerks up and their eyes meet instantly. Ashamed, Tweek looks away and tries to hide them with his icepack.

The area around them goes silent once again.

Craig shuffles in his seat uncomfortably, guilt settling at the bottom of his stomach. His intention was to never distress Tweek.
"I didn't mean to make you upset. I saw your bruises this morning.." Craig admits to Tweek. "I just wanted to check if you were okay."

Tweek draws back his gaze on craig, surprise written all over his features. "You wanted to see if I was okay?" Tweek asked hesitantly, not quite believing him yet.

He keeps his eyes on Craig, looking for any hint of a smirk or a lie. But nothing turns up.

"So, you were staring at me in class?" Tweek says while raising one his eyebrows at him. Caught off guard Craig's eyes go wide in suprise, and a noticeable blush can be found on his cheeks. 

"Would that be creepy if I did?" Craig questions. Tweek shakes his head no with a small laugh bubbling at the back of his throat.

"Nah dude. That's cool that I have someone who worries about me." Tweek says as a small smile appears on his face.
He looks down at the ice pack in his hand, squishing it around in his palm. It felt nice for a change being able to have someone who cared about him again. He almost forgot how it felt.

Unfortunately, their conversation comes to a sudden halt as Tweeks father steps into the room along with the nurse. Tweek instantly feels himself shrink under his fathers gaze.

"Hello, my son."

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