suprise :)

302 17 5

Hold on

Black & blue. Those colors decorate the pale skin of Tweeks. Dried up tears lay on the softness of his cheeks and the taste of coffee still burns on the tip of his tongue.
Tweek almost wants to cry out in desperation, but dad wouldn't quite like that. So, Tweek pulls himself together and tries to appear like the happy kid he's supposed to be.

"Tweek, come sit down and have some coffee before you go."

His father says with a demanding tone rather then an offering one. Tweek swallows, but submits. He's given another one of his dads fake smiles.

"I hope you learned your lesson well."

Tweeks breath hitches in his throat.

"You have to understand, Tweek. No matter how much love I have to give, I can always take it away." His dad responds while pouring Tweek his coffee. He looks up at Tweek, holding intense eye contact.

"I'm very close to taking it away."

Tweek trembles in his spot before averting his gaze down towards the table. "I'm sorry- I'll drink all the coffee samples next time!"

His dad grins widely. "I sure hope so, son."

"Or else I'd be forced to lock you down there for another week. We wouldn't want that would we, Tweek?"

"No.." Tweek shakes his head, on the verge of tears. He shakily drinks the coffee his dad hands him.

"Good. I'm glad we had this talk. I love you son."

"I love you too.."

Within the first minutes being at school Tweek is noticed by Craig, along with Clyde and Token. They walk over to Tweek as he's about to finish stuffing history books in his locker.

"Where have you been dude? You didn't come to school for a week." Craig says.

"Yeah. We thought you just went up and dissapeared on us." Token chimes in.

Tweek gives a grimace of pain recalling the memories. He can almost remember the feeling of hot coffee slipping down his throat, and the tip of his dads shoe hitting right into his ribs repeatedly.

However before they can notice the grimace Tweek replaces it with a weak and timid grin.

"I was- argh sick in bed." He lies to them.

"That must've sucked," Token says.

"Atleast you're here now," Clyde grins. "Now I'll have two people to copy from."

Craig rolls his eyes and Token shakes his head. "Who even says Tweek will let you?"

Immediately Clyde goes over to plead with Tweek. "Cmon man. I'll let you have one of my Tacos for lunch." Craig raises an eye brow at that.

Tweek in hesitation agrees with him and Clyde fist bumps the air in excitement.

"That's what I'm talking about!"

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