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Hold on

Tweek ran through the front doors of his house. A big smile on his face. He was so excited to tell his parents about his new friends. "Mom!" Tweek called out as he searched through the house. He searched everything and he still couldn't find her. "She's probably working late again," Tweek thinks to himself. He's to into his thoughts that he doesn't see his dad and he bumps into him. "Gah! Sorry Dad."
"Watch where you're walking next time, Tweek. You could've made me spill all this coffee."

Tweek swallows nervously, looking at all the coffee samples in his dads hands. "Another coffee test?" He remembers the last coffee test. It didn't go so good..

"You bet son!" Exclaimed his dad."When do you want to test them out?"

Tweek hesitated. He didn't want to do this test. The last one ended him up in the hospital for a week. Who knows how long he'll be in there this time. "Argh- I don't know."

"How about now? It's not like you have any friends to hang out with it," His dad began to prepare all the coffee samples. The first part hurt Tweek but then he remembers he does have friends! Should he tell his dad about them?
"About that I do have frien-"
"Hand me the extension cord-"
"I said hand me the fucking extension cord!" His dad yelled at Tweek instantly making him shut up. "Or do I have to pour all this coffee all over you?" Tweek instantly shook his head fast, on the verge of tears. "Good. Now go get me that extension cord."

Tweek quickly grabs his dad the extension cord. He didn't want to upset him anymore. He's scary when he's angry.

"The coffees done you can test them all out now."

Tweek went wide eyed seeing how much coffee was there. Thirty cups of coffee. Each were different. His dad wanted him to drink all this? What if he died drinking too much? Tweek's anxiety was running high.

"Do I have to drink all the coffee?" Tweek quietly asks, pointing at all the cups of coffee on the table.

"Yes son."

Tweek picks one up and takes a sip. It instantly burns his lip and he pulls away from it. He turned to see his dad staring at him. His eyes never once leaving him.

"Drink it," his said growled.

Tweek hesitantly puts it back to his lips. It's hot and the steam is brushing up against his upper lip. He tries to pull it away from his mouth but his dad stops him before he can. "Now what did I say Tweek?" He whispered in Tweek's ear. Tweek was unable to move. He was too frozen in fear. "I said drink it!" In a instant all of the coffee in that cup is being forced inside Tweek's mouth. He almost chokes on the burning hot liquid but a third of it is still going down his throat. He cries out in agony.

"Dad! It hurts!"

"Well maybe if you weren't such a pussy, I wouldn't have to force you to drink it."

His dad was on his way to grabbing two more cups of coffee. But this time he didn't give Tweek a choice to drink it on his own. He immediately grabbed Tweek in his grip while forcing the two cups of coffee down his throat. Tweek was thrashing around, trying to get out his dads grip. Letting out a frustrated yell, His dad ended up throwing Tweek to the ground. The coffee didn't go down quite right which left Tweek choking on his hands and knees.
"Dad!" Tweek gasped out through his hacks. "Help.."

His dad scowled. "Finish all these coffee samples or you're not coming out of your room for a week." He turned on his heel but not without kicking Tweek in the ribs a couple of times. Tweek screamed out in pain and for the rest of the night laid on the ground crying. He never did finish all the coffee samples.

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