At the library

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Once I get to the library I see Lisa "hey cutie" she said. "What did I tell you about calling me that" Me and Lisa are friends but it makes me uncomfortable when she calls me cutie, I guess I'm just not really into that find of friendship. "Did you finish those books already y/n? You are going to finish the entire library soon." Lisa says. "Well you see I'm going on a quest with kaeya tomorrow so I decided that maybe I should return them today." As I hand the books to Lisa she looks at me with a smile " you have always been so flustered around him I think he just asked you on a date." I look at Lisa "awe cutie your face is all red." I cover my face "Lisa was that supposed to make me feel happy?! Now I just feel stupid." " it's okay y/n we all fall in love with someone you just can't control your emotions sometimes" As she continue to talk I quickly slip out of the library and head home. " sheesh that should not have taken that long, and now I'm all flustered because of her."

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