Am I really ready?

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When I woke up in the morning it was 6 that should be just enough time for me to get ready and pack a bag. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair. Then I started packing, I put some snacks in a bag and some clothes. I sat on my bed and thought if that was all I needed, then all of the sudden I got a call from Lisa. "Hello cutie" I sighed " what do you need Lisa I have to leave in like 30 minutes what could you need?" I said in a firm voice "oh no need to get so mean, I just thought you might need an inhaler just in case" I knew exactly what she meant so I hung up.
(If you don't know what she means, she mean that since y/n's going to be around their crush (aka kaeya) she might get that feeling when your around your crush, you know if you've fallen in love with someone)

I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

Kaeya x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz