Chapter Nine

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When I awoke, it was dark outside, the stars had come out to play. There were a few boats but the water was calm and quiet. After all these years I finally had a few more pieces of the puzzle but not everything. I was still left wondering if I even had loving parents at all. I looked up at the sky. We're they out there right now? Were they some how missionaries that were in some foreign country in the midst of a jungle with not contact with the outside world? It was merely a thought. An afterthought that held no merit. I was twenty four and had little hope of ever truly finding out the truth. It was time to give up my past, but I wasn't ready to. Far from it. Would I ever have my own family?

I sighed as I walked away from the sliding patio doors and went to the kitchen. There was no way. By now they would have found me. At least if they had been looking I felt like that would be the truth. There was little in the cupboards and of course nothing in the fridge but water. I had to go out shopping. Good the minimart was a decent walk away, but it was dark and I wasn't risking it. Plus I had the feeing that the shadow that had been in my life constantly, something that felt almost protective, was gone.

Who would love me? Who would want me? No one. That was the answer. I grabbed a water and a granola bar and went into the bedroom. I ate my meager dinner, without thought or without feeling. For the first time in my life I hadn't had the nightmares again. For the first time they had left me alone. Was that because the shadow was gone? I decided it wasn't because of that. The nightmares had disappeared before, when the shadow had been here. I must be exhausted enough that the nightmares couldn't get through.

I wondered what Joshua was thinking and doing right now. He must be worried. After all, his partner had literally gone aowl in the last twenty four hours. Taking vacation time that I usually never spent. Regardless, they had a mission, a case to solve. A case that I hoped was solved by the time I got back. I shivered. Had seeing Lilith's scar really cause what happened to happen? And how could a man be that cruel to his wife? How had Lilith really gotten involved with him? Why had she married that man in the first place?

All I knew was that neither of us got adopted. We were not the only ones, but there was something about the two of us. Over the years we somehow followed each other all over with the new group foster places. Waiting to get adopted. Waiting to become apart of a family that loved as cared for us as if we were blood relatives. It never happened. To either of us. I went the way of the academy and the police. I left my past, or what I could of my past behind. I never saw Lilith again, not until the other day. A person I never thought I would see again.
None of it was making any sense. Lilith was a complete mystery in all of this.

I needed a shower and another aspirin. I groaned and headed to the bathroom, not even waiting for the water to warm up all the way. It was all crashing in at once. What had my entire life been for? Had every choice, every decision, every move I had ever made been made for no reason? Why did this shadow follow me around? It was always there. This was the first time it had been gone for any length of time that was major. For once in my life, this weird of being alone, truly alone sank in. I didn't like the feeling but somehow it was comforting. How could loneliness be comfortable?

Tears began to fall. Not some simple little I scraped a knee, more of my life was falling apart and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of possible regrets and possible mistakes of living a full life. If I hadn't had a headache before, now it was bad. The water contained to run and wash over me until it was cold again. Shivering I got out and wrapped towels around me. One around my hair, the other around my body. Goose bumps covered my exposed skin. The air turning warm around me, the room felt hotter than it should have been.

I couldn't think straight. The headache was getting louder and louder. As if a raid was happening and they were using the battering ram, only this was inside my head. I was hearing the voices from my nightmares as clear as day. As if the voice were in the room with me. The shadow wasn't quite a shadow anymore. It was gaining features, facial features, a man. It was a man, wearing dark clothing. Black shirt, black pants, dark hair. Nearly black eyes. Inhuman, scary, dark. He was shouting at the women and pointing at, at me. I was barely awake in the nightmare, my scars burned, the memory causing the pain to come back. I saw myself, small and young, asking for help. Begging to survive.

"Ahhhh, what the hell?!"

I groaned in pain, stumbling towards the bed, my feet not wanting to move. I fell, my knees bashing into the beds corner. I felt as if I no longer had control over my body, feeling frozen while the room around me seemed to get hotter and hotter, or I was getting hotter. Blinding pain raced across my entire body. Memories flooding faster than I could pick up on what they were. Faces and memories, childhood memories. Crime images mixing in from the case I should be working on. Puzzle pieces of all kinds clicking and aligning together.

A small house, a blue bed spread, rough wooden toys, splinters, darkness, cruel laughter. Faint light. A green glow. Flooding faster and faster and faster. I tried crawling towards the burner phone, I needed to call, call someone, Joshua...

My mind burst with images and that night. A night I had tried to physically forget for so long. It was painful. I realized in this moment, it was the night I became an orphan. I never had two loving parents, I had one, and she had been a witch. A real which. With a gasp I tried crawling towards my phone again.

Red sky
A knife cutting
A shadow

" Please don't hurt her. She has no part in this. Please don't kill my daughter. I beg you Lucifer."

Something stepped out from the shadow as around the swirling pit. A dark figure, dark and mysterious.

" You cut her all over Witch! You used her blood to cast your ugly spell. You don't care about her at all."

His voice gave away the emotion in his voice. But mommy seemed to ignore it. Why? And why had she cut me all over? My body aced and throbbed.

" Your right." The older women sneered. " It was to trap you Lucifer."

I cried out in pain as a knife started cutting at me again. Why was my mommy doing this to me? Who was Lucifer? Why did she want to trap him. Why? What had I done this time to deserve punishment this time?!

" No! Mommy please, don't hurt me. Please! What did I do this time?"

The look on the man's face, Lucifer, looked pained and in shock. A look of horror came over his face and that was the last thing I saw. And as the knife cut my throat darkness invaded and I blacked out.

Red sky
A knife cutting
A shadow

I screamed in pain, everything in my head was exploding outwards, emotions, pain, memories, and more. I screamed. Thinking of one thing and one thing only, the shadow, the shadow that had been following me my whole life was none other than Lucifer. Lucifer ruled hell. Lucifer had killed my mother. Lucifer was the person who had saved me.

Lucifer And The Witch Child - Hell Series 1Where stories live. Discover now