Chapter Four

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Red sky
A knife cutting
A shadow

" Please don't hurt her. She has no part in this. Please don't kill my daughter. I beg you Lucifer."

" You cut her all over Witch! You used her blood to cast your ugly spell. You don't care about her at all."

" Your right." The older women sneered. " It was to trap you Lucifer."

I cried out in pain as a knife started cutting at me.

" No! Mommy please, don't hurt me."

And as the knife cut my throat darkness invaded and I blacked out.

Red sky
A knife cutting
A shadow


I gasped, sitting up, my heart racing in my chest. My hands shot to my throat , checking for the trail of blood I'd thought would be there. I felt nothing, only a throbbing in my head, and my gasping breaths of air. I looked all over at my body, looking for scars or more blood. There was none.

I heard a loud beeping speed up as I began to panic and wonder were I was. I was freaking out I had no idea were I was and wanted to leave.

I heard a rush of footsteps, and a door opening. My head throbbed, I closed my eyes in pain, the light from the open door causing immense pain. Pain continued to lance through my head and it was unbearable.

" Make it stop." I barely whispered, whimpering in pain, clutching at my head rocking back and forth almost.

Who ever was there started rubbing my shoulders as more people came in.

" Your going to be okay Mira. Your going to be fine."

It was Joshua Perez rubbing my shoulders. I didn't care who, but knowing it was someone familiar soothed my fight response for now.

I heard doctors start to speak and more people came in. I heard Andy, Brady and Lilith as they all crowed in. The cacophony of voices in the room was too loud. It made the pain worse.

I couldn't speak anymore, for if I opened my mouth I knew I'd scream at everyone. Perez noticed and spoke up, making everyone except the doctors, leave, making the room quieter.

As Perez went to leave the room too, I let go with one hand and grasped his tight. I needed someone here, someone I knew who wasn't a stranger.

" You sure? I'll leave too if you want me too Mira."

I still had my eyes closed and there was no way I was going to move my head anymore than I had too. I simply squeezed his hand tighter.

" Okay, I'm here for you. I'll me sitting in the chair okay? The doctors are going to check you out again okay? I won't leave."

He let go and sat in the chair.

" Okay Officer Castile, when you can, I want you to lift your head if you can okay? But for now just take deep breaths okay? Don't open your eyes okay, let me dim the lights first for you."

It seemed like forever but I finally lifted my head and opened my eyes.

The room was dimmer lite and that helped a lot.

" Okay, now just lay back down okay? We are almost done here. Just a few more routine questions and checks then you can relax."

I did everything the doctor asked, and answered his questions. I wanted to ask what had happened after I had tripped, but I waited till the doctors left. I was just about to ask Joshua what had happened, when exhaustion took over.

My eyes began to close but I fought trying to stay awake.

" Wha- What happened Joshua?"

I said, fighting the drug put in my system. He pulled up the chair to my beside and grasped my hand on that side. He push hair out of my face and then spoke.

" Just sleep now Mira. I'll explain everything after you wake agin okay? You took quite the tumble."

I stopped fighting the drugs, and feel asleep.

Joshua Perez POV

I watched as she fell asleep from the drugs. When I'd heard Mrs. Thomas scream for help I jumped into action faster than I had ever before. Something was wrong with Officer Castile, I just knew, and as I opened the door and rushed in, I saw Mira on the floor.

I let my mind wander to the weekend we had spent hiking. Graduating from the same class, me and Officer Castile had become friends. And we had managed to claim first and second at the top of the class. We ended up getting to work at the same station and we had done lots together. Our hiking trip next weekend, I was canceling it. Until she was better.

I sighed and just sat there and held her hand. I had said I'd stay, and I would. I would have stayed anyway from the start if they hadn't blocked my path to the bus I'd called. I prayed that Mira would be okay. Something I hadn't done in years. My mother would be proud of me, I thought.

Looking at her pale face, I pictured her smiling and laughing as we had been hiking. She had a voice that was sweet, and you could tell when she was deep in thought. More often than not, unless Mira was spoken to she was silent. And when she had an idea she would raise her hand.

She wasn't outspoken, she was quite. So when I had started the hiking trips I had known she would be the one I knew could be quite and enjoy and appreciate the nature with me.

When I had asked her she had said no. I eventually got her to go with me. Ever since then it had become a ritual that we did when ever we could.

She had told me little about her past, but I knew whatever had happened today, and the way she acted most of the time, had something to do with it.

I cursed in my head and wanted to hurt who ever had hurt her so bad. I realized then and there, on our last hiking session, I was falling in love with her. I was doomed, I thought. Could she ever love me back? Or had someone hurt her so bad, that she'd think I was joking?

I was falling hopelessly in love.

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