Chapter Two

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Lilith Thomas sat there on the couch, her eyes widening and lighting up, and she started to get up and come towards me. I simply stepped back and out of her outreached arms.

I couldn't believe that she was here. Her of all people. She was the last person I wanted to see. She only brought memories of the past to the surface that I didn't want to think about. I'd had enough of that this morning when I'd awoken.

" Officer Castile, this is Lilith Thomas. She came in this morning and said she had key information and knows exactly how to catch him. Officer Brady And Officer Andy have already interviewed her. I wanted you to meet her as you all will be working close with her to find everything to break this case and close it up."

The Captain said as watched us.

" Captain," I said, " A word in your office please. Alone."

He nodded his head and frowned slightly. I followed him to his office and quickly spoke, telling him everything.

" If we are still planning for me to go undercover I can't. I know Miss Thomas. From my past sir, and she now knows what I do. If we are to catch him I can not work this case any longer."

I finished saying just as someone poked their head in. It was Officer Andy. He simply passed a note to me to hand to the Captain and then he closed the door.

The Captain frowned as he read the message, then handed it to me to read. It said this.

" Mrs. Thomas Paine is her actually name. She is married to the guy and has an arrest warrant from another state. Officer Brady and Perez are locking her up as we speak."

I sighed, afraid to say anything. This was just beyond anything I'd ever felt in my life.

" So he sent her? Or is she really trying to escape? Is she a culprit and a partner or a victim?

I asked the Captain.

" That is up to you Officer Castile. She didn't mention the fact that she is married to him. Go find out the truth. Use your personal connection only if you have to. We need to make progress and end this."

In other words, job before personal issues. I nodded and left the Captain's office. I bit my tongue and walked towards the cell blocks.

Lilith just sat there calm. Then she spoke.

" I knew they would do this. Once they ran things. I'm not surprised but still, I want to help. And I know this just something I have to do. To make things right."

She said as she put her head down and looked at the floor. I didn't trust her. Not one bit but I had to find out the truth no matter what. And I had a job to do.

" I'm going to interrogate you Mrs. Paine, please stand up and walk to the door and turn around."

Mrs. Paine did as I asked, and I put cuffs on her wrists. Officer Perez opened the cell block and I lead Mrs. Paine to the interrogation room.

I had to put aside the past and do my job, I reminded myself as I stared into the eyes of my old bunk mate.

" Focus." I told myself in my head.

" Mrs. Paine," She interrupted before I could continue.

" Please just Miss Thomas. I-I no longer go by Mrs. Paine. We were in the process of going through a divorce when I found out about all of this. This was the result of that night. May I?"

She asked and looked at her shirt. I undid the cuffs and she pulled up her shirt and undid part of her pants. I froze, ready to tackle, but what she showed me I nearly gagged at. A jagged scar rose from her underwear, all the way towards her chest.

" I ended up losing the child I was carrying. I was eighteen weeks along. I'll live with this scar for the rest of my life. So when I say I want to help, I want to help. I hate that man more than anyone. The scar did so much damage that I can never have kids. I was robbed of everything." She said, pulling her shirt back down, and zipping her jeans back up.

I couldn't believe the horror of what I had just seen. Out of all the gore I had seen, and the horrors of murder, that hit home in some weird way. I had to step back for a second and as I went to re cuff her per procedure, I stopped and froze, a shiver going up my spine, a warning that the nightmare was coming.

Suddenly the vision of my past filled my mind and eyesight. I stumbled backwards, my vision becoming blurry as I was transported to another day in what seemed another world.

A older women, who smiled at me, reaching her arms out to me.

And a man, his eyes red, standing a few feet apart.

They began to argue.

I felt something hard as fell. I must have hit my head hard, on something, a chair perhaps.

I heard faint shouts coming from outside and a stomped of feet. I heard Lilith shout for help and I sensed she had rushed over to me. I faintly heard Perez calling for a bus while through my blurry vision I saw Andy trying to hold me down as I started to convulse.

" Turn her on her side, Brady help, Andy, she is starting to foam at the mouth."

And was the last I heard and saw.

Red sky
A knife cutting
A shadow

" Please don't hurt her. She has no part in this. Please don't kill my daughter. I beg you Lucifer."

" You cut her all over Witch! You used her blood to cast your ugly spell. You don't care about her at all."

" Your right." The older women sneered. " It was to trap you Lucifer."

Red sky
A knife cutting
A shadow

Lucifer And The Witch Child - Hell Series 1Where stories live. Discover now