7. I'm Okay

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Waffles were waiting on the table and a hot shower followed. She had to stop by her house to grab clothes and check on Teebs but even with the delay she was only twenty minutes late to work. Nevaeh was waiting in her office, a jacket folded over her arm.

"I was starting to think you'd call in sick. Do you not answer your phone anymore?" Nevaeh shook her phone at her. The screen glinted in the fluorescent lights like a mini strobe light.

"Sorry, I've kinda been ignoring my phone. I've been getting some weird messages," she mumbled,

"Nudes?" Nevaeh sighed.

Esme sputtered, face heating up by a few kelvins. "N-no, just wrong numbers. What made you think nudes?"

Nevaeh laughed, standing up from where she'd been perched on the edge of the desk. "I'd be surprised if no one had ever sent you any." She held out the jacket and Esme realized it was hers from the bar. It had been neatly folded and handed with more care than she'd ever shown it. "I forgot to give this to you last night."

"Thank you, again. I don't know what I would have done without you," Esme sighed,

"No thanks needed, you're taking me out to lunch today so we can call it even," Nevaeh retorted. "I even got dressed up just for the occasion." She motioned to her pale pink dress and pinned back hair. With her hair pinned back, Esme could clearly see the flecks of hazel in Nevaeh's eyes. They reminded her of sun spots dappled across the trunk of a tree.

"You wanted to do lunch today?"

"Unless you've already got plans," Nevaeh started to backpedal. "I didn't mean to sound so bossy, I just thought why not today but obviously we don't have to. I was only joking anyway; about the lunch I mean."

"No, today is fine," Esme grinned. It was unusual to see the woman flustered, but certainly not unpleasant. What else could Esme do to get that reaction? "I'll call you?"

"I could just come find you, so you don't have to worry about your phone," she offered.

"Actually, that would be great," Esme sighed. She watched Nevaeh walk out, forcing her eyes to stay at head height. Easton slid into her office right after, arm going up to the door frame so he could lean against it. "You know you look ridiculous when you do that don't you?" she quipped, grabbing a stack of papers from her inbox tray. Excellent, more distractions.

Easton cleared his throat, pushing away from the door frame. "You used to like it," he mumbled. "Anyway, feeling better?" He dropped into the seat across from her, resting one leg atop the other knee.

"I wish you'd stop asking me that, it sounds less and less like you mean it each time," she sighed. The papers in her hands crumpled at the edges under her tight grip. She dropped them to the desk and sat, smoothing out her shirt. With meeting day out of the way, she was glad to return to her plain shirts and slacks. No one could see the mess of her knees under the long pants. "Was that all you needed Easton?"

"I just wanted to check on my favorite bird." He leaned forward; eyebrow raised.

"Go waggle your worm elsewhere," she retorted. The quick response took her by surprise, and she stared at him questioningly. "Why did you say that?"

"Just trying to give the ol' noggin of yours a jumpstart. Donahue insisted we let you recover the memories naturally, but it's been seven months, it's time for you to come back," he said. The room fell silent as he stared at her expectantly. His wide grin dropped bit by bit as she continued to stare at him blankly. She had a strange urge to comfort him, but no idea of what she could say to do that.

"I think it's time for you to go. I have work to do," she mumbled. The ringing in her ears was starting again. This time it brought black spots with it that clouded the edges of her vision. Now was not the time for this, it was never the time but especially not now. She waved Easton off as he moved towards her. "Get out, now."

"Fine, but I'll be around if you need me Essie." His steps echoed through her like a gun firing. Each one made her shrink further back into her seat. If she pushed hard enough maybe it would swallow her whole and everything would stop.

Esme shut her eyes tight and clamped her hands over her ears. "Stop it, stop it," she whispered to herself. The ringing faded off bit by bit, her breath evening out again into a steady rhythm. Color had returned to the world when she opened her eyes. The black spots lingered but faded off the longer she looked around. She was fine, she was safe, she had work to do.

She kept repeating that to herself all through the morning. It was one of her more productive mornings. For a moment she considered having someone try to kidnap her every morning just so she could get this much done. Clearly her semi frequent morning runs weren't enough action for her. It was funny enough to pull a short laugh from her.

"Funny joke?" Nevaeh asked from the doorway. She'd pulled on a loose jacket that swamped her small figure. It looked better for curling up with a cup of tea, not for going out to lunch.

"Nah, just a stupid thought. Is it time for lunch already?" Esme choked on a breath of air when she looked at the clock. "It's two already? I'm so sorry! I didn't even notice the time."

"It's alright, I looked in and you looked too focused to bother. Are you ready now?" Nevaeh shifted on her feet, grinning sheepishly. "I'm kinda hungry."

"Good to go. Pick anywhere you want, and dessert too. Double apologies for making you wait," Esme offered. She jammed her arms into her coat and hurried to the door.

"Dessert is above and beyond, but I won't say no," Nevaeh laughed. "If you keep sweetening the deal, I'll have to find more ways to make us even."

"Sounds good to me. I'm sure I could think of a few favors to ask."

Word Count to this Point: 8,234

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