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"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam says through the comm. I see him get tackled by a leaping Outrider and grounded.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve says over the comm.

"I would, but I'm currently trying not to have the other half of my face clawed up" I grunt out as I fight an Outrider. Suddenly it falls dead, a spear in its side. I roll it off me and stand to face Okoye.

"Thanks," I tell her with a nod.

"Of course, and you've already had that pretty face clawed up enough as it is." She says.

I smile "Yeah, I agree"

"I got him!" Bruce says. Bruce has figured out the Hulkbusters repulsor thrusters and makes a beeline for the android.

"On my way," Wanda says into the comm.

She is then clobbered by Proxima Midnight's pommel and rolls down into the large ditch from the Thresher before she can move. I look at Okoye and she nods and we run for Wanda.

Jumping down next to the Scarlet Witch "He'll die alone." Proxima Midnight taunts her "As will you."

"She's not alone," Natasha says from the other side.

Okoye silently brandishes her spear on the other side of Proxima and nods at Black Widow. I draw my dual blades and make shadows and flames dance along the blades as I stand by Okoye and nod as well.

"Euuyaaah!" Proxima Midnight yells and she leaps for Black Widow, who has joined her sticks into a full staff. She blocks Proxima's blow with an electrical crackle while Okoye runs around the slope to also attack from the front. I send shadows around Proxima Midnight to pull her back, but throw a dagger at her leg, she grunts but stands firm. I recall the blade from her with my shadows, something new I learned I could do with the new blades I was given.

Proxima Midnight alternates heavy blows between all of us as we fight, my dual blades now in my hands, but all four of us duck as a single-wheeled Thresher tears overhead, the ditch sparing us most of the danger from the wheel-blades. Proxima uses the distraction to kick Black Widow in the face, sending her to the ground. She then grabs Okoye by the shoulder and weapon and throws her meters away. She faces me and I let my shadows curl around her neck tightly, cutting off her air. She manages to knock me back when her weapon and my blades collide hard together.

Black Widow splits her staff back into a pair of sticks to block Proxima Midnight's sword blows and finally knocks it from her hand. The alien takes to her bare fists instead, knocks down, and pins the Black Widow. Proxima triggers an arm-blade from her left-arm armor and stabs at Black Widow, who barely manages to block the blade with her crossed sticks. As the edge starts to dig into Black Widow's neck anyway, scarlet energy from Wanda grabs the alien and tosses her into the air right into the path of another passing Thresher. Dark blue blood spatters around us. The Scarlet Witch sits up, sighing with relief, her hands still shimmering.

"That was really gross," Natasha says, sitting up a bit.

I laugh along with the other two. "No kidding," I say.

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