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"Good to go, yeah?" Dad says to Bruce as Bruce holds the gauntlet.

"Let's do it," Bruce replies.

"You remember–everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bringing them back to now, today." Dad reminds him, "Don't change anything from the last five years."

"Got it," Bruce says.

"Yeah, no pressure or anything," I say.

Everyone gets ready, standing close, Scott puts his helmet on as he stands next to Stebe who has his shield at the ready, Rhodes is on Scott's other side in his War Machine suit and slams his helmet down, Thor is next to him with Rocket behind Thor as Thor ushers Rocket more behind him and Rocket puts on his goggles. Dad and Clint are next to each other, Dad in his Iron Man suit, and puts a shield up, both across from Steve, Rhodes and Scott. I'm on Dad's other side with an ice and shadow shield up and in my suit with my weapons on me. Dad lets his helmet cover his face.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol. Will you?" Dad says to FRIDAY.

"Yes, boss." FRIDAY answers.

Avengers facility goes on lockdown with the metal doors slam shut and the ones that cover the windows and glass ceiling move into place.

"Everybody comes home." Bruce says.

Bruce puts on the gauntlet, which nanobotically expands to fit his hand, and the power surge overwhelms him. He grunts in pain, falling to his knees, power surging through his arm from the stones on the gauntlet.

"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor yells.

"No, wait." Steve says, "Bruce, are you okay?"

Bruce continues to groan.

"Talk to me, Banner." Dad says.

Bruce groans and cries out then says, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

Thor gives a double thumbs-up. I sigh.

Bruce pants heavily then screams, fighting through the intense pain coursing through his body courtesy of the gauntlet, and manages to snap his fingers. He faints, and the gauntlet slides off his arm, Clint kicks it away. Steve and Dad are the first ones to Bruce's side.

"Bruce!" Steve exclaims.

"Don't move him." Dad says as Thor also rushes over. Dad douses Bruce's injured arm. Steve has a hand on Bruce's shoulder, which Bruce grabs on to. Thor puts a hand to Bruce's head.

"Did it work?" Bruce groans out.

"We're not sure." Thor tells him, "it's over, it's okay."

I glance up and see Scott walking towards the outside windows and see plants and birds. I hear a phone vibrating and notice Clint looking, it's his phone. He walks over and answers it.

"Honey. Honey." Clint says, struggling to speak from sheer happiness. Tears prick my eyes. It worked.

"Guys–I think it worked!" Scott exclaims from over by the windows.

Bruce opens his eyes, looking up, a shadow covers the glass ceiling, I look up and my eyes widen. A single missile heading towards the base, blowing away Scott from the windows. I slam up a shadow and fire shield to protect myself. Then a continuous array of missiles destroys the base completely and everyone sinks below to the underground. I roll and smack my head on something, losing conciousness.


As I come to, I turn my head, gasping and coughing a bit, and see Dad walk over to someone and nudge them with his foot. I realize, as I sit up, that it's Steve.

"Come on, buddy. Wake up." Dad says, Steve wakes up, also gasping, "That's my man." He has Cap's shield. "You lose this again, I'm keeping it."

"What happened?" Steve asks looking around a bit.

"You messed with time. It tends to mess back. You'll see."

Tony helps Steve on his feet as Steve grunts. They help me up and we walk up to join Thor, who has been observing a past Thanos from a distance. Thanos is just sitting there, like he's waiting for something.

"What's he been doing?" Dad asks Thor.

"Absolutely nothing." Thor replies.

"Where are the stones?" Steve asks.

"Somewhere under all this." Dad answers, "All I know is he doesn't have them."

"So, we keep it that way." Steve says.

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor says to all of us.

"Yeah." Dad says and looks towards Thor a moment, "I don't much care."

I nod, "I don't either. I just really want to tear his head off," I say.

Thor nods, "Good." He says, "Just as long we are all in agreement." I watch as his eyes glow blue and thunder cracks as Thor stretches out both hands, which have lightning crackling around them, to summon both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. His casual clothes transform into his armor and cape, with his beard getting some braid treatment and some of his hair is pulled back as lightning crackles around him then dissipates as he speaks again. "Let's kill him properly this time."

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