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2012, after the events of New York:

I look towards my father and my uncle as they and the others approach me. None of them know who I am, and I know I'm in deep shit. I mean a seventeen-year-old girl with fire, ice, and shadow abilities and not to mention the shifting into a wolf thing was bound to catch their attention.

"Who are you?" Tony, my father asks.

I sigh and let the ice and fire vanish from my hands "I'm Vega" I reply folding my arms.

"And what are you doing here, Vega? You're like a seventeen-year-old kid, you shouldn't be here"

I scoff in response "You're welcome by the way, I mean I saved your life a few times there"

"There's no need to be snarky"

"Well, considering I inherited that from you it's funny you're saying that"

They all look at me stunned, Tony is the first to speak "Excuse me?"

"My name is Vega Stark, my mother was Valdis, you met her in 1994 in Norway. You two were together for a few months before you broke it off. She found out she was pregnant but never could get ahold of you to tell you that. I was born in 1995." I then turn to Thor "you know her as well, she was yours and Loki's half-sister through his biological mother who tricked your father"

Thor nods slightly "I know her, she vanished years ago, no one knew where she went or where she is now"

"She's dead" I reply, shocking them all.

"W-when?" Tony asked.

"When I was ten, she died trying to protect me from Hydra"

"Hydra?" Steve asks.


"What did Hydra want with you?" Tony asks.

"To use me for their own gain, to use what I can do"

"Don't worry, we'll protect you"

"That won't be easy"

"Never is, but he's right. You're family and we're going to protect you," Thor adds squeezing my shoulder.

"This should be fun" I answer with a smile.

We begin to walk away from the wreckage "So you've been alone for this long?" Bruce asks.

"Hydra had me off and on from 11, until about a year ago, I've been on my own fully since then"

Tony hugs me from the side "Not anymore, you're my daughter and I will protect you and never leave you,"

"Thank you and if you're concerned I'm lying, we can do a DNA test"

"No need, you might not know this but your mother sent me a photo of you a few years ago"

"Then why didn't you ever decide to come and see me?" I ask, glaring.

He meets my gaze with sad eyes "She told me to stay away, that you were better off without me but that she wanted me to at least know you existed"

I nod "Sounds like mom, well now what?"

"Now we see what else life throws at us," He replies.

"Sounds fun"

"So what all are your powers?" Bruce asks.

"I can manipulate and control shadows and darkness, I can be unseen in shadows like camouflage, I can become a shadow and I can teleport via the shadows and darkness. I also can control, manipulate and generate fire, flames, and heat, I can technically breathe fire but I don't really use it, I also can turn my whole body to fire but I don't like using it as it results in my clothes burning away"

"That everything?" Clint asks.

I shake my head "No, I also can control ice and snow, and similar to the whole breathing fire thing, I can turn things to ice with my breath, and if I touch something but I don't use my breath to do that very often, I can do this," I then flick my hand out and send shards of ice into a nearby tree "and I can shift into a black wolf and I have wolf-like vision and hearing and sense of smell but thanks to Hydra it's slightly better than a normal wolf's, only slightly. And I can use these both as a wolf and human," I let my claws slide over my human nails and show off my fangs "I also have night vision which could be a wolf thing or a shadow thing, mom didn't know if it was just one or the other or both"

"Ok, is that everything?" Tony/Dad asks "Ice, fire, shadow, and wolf"

"I also don't get hot or cold because of the whole fire and ice thing and I don't really get sick," I say "but I dress appropriately for the weather so people don't look at me like I'm crazy"

They all crack smiles at that.

"Do you have any weaknesses?" Steve asks.

I let out a soft laugh "Yes, but I will not tell you because then I wouldn't trust you"

"That's fair," Natasha says "I like her"

"Ok let's get out of here, it's been eventful and I don't want to wait around for life to throw something else into the mix"

Little did I know things were going to change a lot and things forgotten would come to light and nothing would ever be the same again.

Battle Scars (A Bucky Barnes Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora