Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The Vassilys are absolutely manipulative, and everyone knows that. They're crazy, and their mind tricks are outrageous. Maximus the Emperor came to play a game, and he included her. They are so callous and brutal that they don't give a damn if a helpless or innocent life is affected by their games. They risk their lives to defend their subjects, but they also kill anyone they encounter as if they were the sole owners of that person's life.

Upon her knowledge, Emperor Macsen is the most cunning among them. She's not sure if she heard it right, but Emperor Magnus; the youngest, is the most rebellious. On the other hand, Emperor Massimo is the bravest yet has the noisiest empire, as he always finds conflicts with other empires. Meanwhile, Emperor Macsen is the mastermind or has the most playful mind of all of them. So how did he fall for Emperor Maximus' trick? Is it because Emperor Maximus, the eldest among the siblings, is an all-rounder?

Unless Emperor Macsen is planning something which is possible. No one really knows what's inside his mind. Emperor Macsen is the quiet yet dangerous type, and for Seraphine Bellona, his kind is the most frightening. They don't say what's on their mind. You might think they're losing due to some situations. But the truth is, everything is already planned. He's not the King, the Queen, or the pawn in the chess game. He's not a chess piece; he is the player. His losing part and his victory at the end are all part of his silent plan. That's how Emperor Macsen is.

The bell is ringing. It's very clear in her ears. She could still hear the bell ringing from Emperor Maximus' hands while they leapt all over the place through Emperor Macsen's horse. She has no idea where in the Empire they are. All she knows is that the horse kept running into the wilds as if tomorrow would not exist anymore. It's so awkward, especially her position. She's so stiff, she'd fall anytime due to her posture. The hard thing on her back is also distracting her; she could die in embarrassment.

"Fuck, why did you even come?" Emperor Macsen growled in her ears angrily, making her shiver in fear. "Are you presenting yourself to my fucking brother? Damn, I didn't know a bitch had entered my palace. What's next? After coming into my room disguised as a man to seduce me, now you're after my fucking brother?"

Wait, what? Is he out of his mind? This Emperor is indeed crazy! What is he saying now? Why is she the one at fault now? Someone needs to tell him she was dragged out of her will! She did not do anything wrong! He was at fault. But of course, she could never voice it out. Despite Bellona's obvious situation, he kept growling in her ears. "Trying so hard to get everyone's attention, huh?"

Her eyes watered. She really can't take his words! He said too much, and everything he said is not true. "Your majesty, I've never done such a thing! How could you say those things to me?" She tried so hard to sign despite losing her balance.

He gritted his teeth, and now he's annoyed. She can't even speak, but she dares to talk back. "Just admit it. You're a criminal. You piss me off!"

Her tears now fell. He just pierced her poor heart. Aside from the hard thing poking her back, her heart has been scarred by his sharp words. "They said I'm being called by you, your majesty. It's normal for me to come running if I'm being called by the emperor." She explained.

"I didn't, you stupid kitten!" He replied angrily. "Why would I call for you? You should have rested for the rest of the day! You should have just fucking stayed in my fucking room!"

"What? But they said the Emperor is looking for me," she defended. "I swear, please don't be mad at me! I just did what I was told."

He bit her earlobes harshly despite their position, making her shriek. "Yeah, fuck. It was probably my brother and you ran immediately. Excited to see him that much? What now?" He said.

There's no way she's going to take all the blame now that she's innocent! "I didn't know he was with you! And how would I know it's not you who called? Why am I being blamed here, your majesty?" She responded as she strongly avoided his second bite. She's the one who was involved in their dirty games!

"Fuck, are you talking back now?" He said imperiously, making her tremble in fear. "Fucking fuck, baby."

"I can't let you judge me wrongly!" She tried to reply as calmly as she could. "Please don't be mad at me. Please spare me. I did not do anything wrong, your majesty!"

But he bit her nape once again, making her cry loudly. Then he whispered. "Talk back and face dire consequences, stupid."

She did not do anything anymore, just as he wanted. And it was not too long before he started cursing loudly once again. "Stupid cat! Fuck!" He yelled angrily, making her whimper. "Move," he said.

What's wrong with this man? She slowly looked back with questioning eyes, only to meet a dangerous and menacing pair of crimson eyes. "W-What?"

His eyes narrowed. She can't read his expression, but he's telling her something dangerous. His face is turning red, he keeps biting his lips, and the way he looks at her is totally different. It's giving her chills. "Fucking move forward."

She tried so hard to move forward, but she can't even move a bit while the horse is running. "Why? I can't move when the horse is hopping."

This time, he growled loudly in frustration. "I'm fucking rock hard because of our argument. It's your fault, you kept opposing me! If you don't want to get fucking poked with my dick, then move."

And just like what he wanted, she tried so hard—the best she could do—to move forward because she could finally feel the intense, hard thing poking her back. It was hard, like a rock. No, it's like a sword hitting her back. Gosh, it can kill her! This man is really dangerous. He got hard by their argument? For real? The Vassilys were probably cursed in their past lives for being like this now.

"Ha, fuck." He growled again, making her halt. She could feel her face burning. Now he is the problem. Why is he even horny at times like this? If he's in his right mind, he would think of the game and their survival, not his active dick! "Stop fucking moving," he warned.

Bellona confusedly looked back. "W-Why?"

"I said stop fucking moving. Why fucking talk back to me? Wait, damn, you're not even talking. Damn, bad timing," he said. "And don't look at me with those eyes! "

What the hell! This is insane; no, the Emperor is crazy! What is he talking about? She just wants to scream her lungs out. She's confused about everything. Eyes? What eyes? It's his eyes that're doing something to her—his dangerous eyes! It's scaring her.

"We need to find water," he said as he stopped the horse.

"Why now?" She asked without looking at him.

He forcefully turned her head toward him. Now they're facing each other. His menacing eyes and horny gaze finally met her innocent siren's dark brown orbs. He bit his lips as he stared at her innocence.

"It's so fucking hot. If you don't want to get fucked, let me fucking cool down."

Sinister Obsession: Macsen Massey (Emperor Series, #3) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon