The Pandemic Mental Burden Toll

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 It's no secret that we have all been mentally slapped on the face on what's been going on for the past 1 year and for all we know, ongoing. The pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg we all hit in 2020 and mentally, sank. The covid-19 alongside depression is one of the most common virus/disease since the pandemic first surfaced. Although this generation has it easy compared to the 1918 pandemic that took place 100 years ago, we still face depression and that's no surprise to anyone. The difference between 1918 and 2020's pandemic is that back then, they didn't have internet, technology, and so many things we are not deprived of now luckily. They had the first world war (WW1), as that was one of the biggest struggles faced at the time so that meant physical and emotional trauma along with barely to no food, shelter, and the basic necessities they were deprived of. In 1918, they really didn't have anything to lose so depression didn't take a huge toll compared to 2020's depression rates. we have so much to lose. This world in this era cannot live without internet and technology, we have grown rather fully dependent on it and that might end us all one day for so many reasons. One being artificial intelligence taking over or because the leading generation will be solely based on the virtual world since at the moment we are all transitioning to it when you really think about it.

 Social media does have some positives of course, but negatives in the pandemic took a rise since we abuse it on a daily bases and half don't even realise it. Abused in the sense that we spend hours on end scrolling through people's lives or better yet, the highlight of it. Some social media influencers don't do the good they say the would by helping motivate and inspire others or spreading awareness, they just show all the fun vacation and places they visited and the life they want to show others is amazing when really some of them are depressed and the stories they hide behind every great adventure and pictures taken and posted on social media is to crave the attention they most likely lack at home. Fortunately there are some that actually help and share inspiring stories of their success and failures that helped them reach to the success they are going through. We as humans always have ups and downs and if we don't then we can't be called humans since that is what life is about isn't it? but we don't show that on social media don't we? of course not. No one wants to be pitied upon or to feel vulnerable because it is a weakness point within us all. we are not all the same so we all take things differently. Instead of going through social media and wasting your time, doing something productive and self building is something your future self will be so thankful to you for and there will be no regret in that. trying to keep yourself occupied is the best thing to do to avoid being depressed, kicking yourself, questioning why you are the way you are, because beating yourself up will not help or make things better, you will just deteriorate. 

 At this point, everyone is fed up with the pandemic and some started taking the opportunity to raise their voices in different aspects such as "Black lives matter" or "feminism" and many more. Although that's great to spread awareness on what has been ignored and shushed away is finally getting recognition, it started becoming violent sometimes in some ways using riots and sometimes spreading the wrong message, this will take a turn and won't be able to help but only to make things worse like spreading the virus more by having large gatherings and some without masks or by destroying and vandalizing the area the riots are taking place and even the law enforcement going violent and some being injured in the process.  

 What do we as humans do when being pressurized? we start to feel stressed and trapped in a room with four walls and no windows thinking there is no escape in the moment, in the moment not forever. But why? this pandemic has led the majority of people to go through mental breakdowns and we start to spiral and it is exhausting. How much longer can we cope with what has been going on in the pandemic?  companies cutting cost by reducing headcounts, economical depression, social isolation, fear of catching the virus and/or dying, death of close people, bankruptcy of small businesses, wearing of masks and gloves most of the time, burden of sanitizing and cleaning going inside the household in fear of catching the virus, stopping daily life such as gatherings and ceremonies and many celebratory activities that would take place if not for the virus, not going to the gym which has physically depressed many, living life at home instead of socializing and going out, turning what was once social life is now within the virtual world in every way, and the list goes on and on like a never endless pit. It's depressing to even think about let alone go through it first hand. This generation often takes the life they are living for granted, we complain about anything and everything yet we have all that we can ask for, or at least most of us. We have the internet and advancing technology we all put to use whether for the good or bad. Netflix, instagram, snapchat, tiktok, pinterest, facebook, linkedin and so many more entertainment apps and websites to keep us entertained but it is mentally draining when being abused and that is something that not many realize when using it. It would be no surprise  that anyone who uses social media on a daily basis try a 30 day social media detox challenge  will be either impossible or so hard for them, there are some youtubers who tried it and posted their experience and the results are amazing, they became more social to friends and family, went out more whether alone or with company but still tried to occupy themselves to do something productive and self building, started reading more books and going out for walks or runs change the view, more motivated to complete studying or working, and just more happy and less depressed. We all need this right now, especially right now when we are feeling down and unmotivated to do anything. This is the time we all need to support each others since no one is alone in this because to us, this is the new norm, and we can't do anything about it unfortunately. 

 At the start of the pandemic, no one took it serious and we all took it lightly and look where that got us. after weeks go by and months, the depression kicked it, not being able to see friends or not being able to go out at all for at least 2-3 months was so hard to go through even when we had all the entertainment because it was just not the same. Wanting to see the person/people you needed most when you felt your worst was impossible to see physically because of the quarantine regulations, and we all had to compensate by going through virtual ways of connecting but it is not the same if not in person, it is the only thing to do when you have no other alternative and that is the safest measure to be taken. Sometimes you want to scream into a pillow and let it all out and when asked to talk about it, you no longer want to and instead bottle it all up and have mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks. This is so dangerous and it is so sad to know there are some out there who go through it and worse. No one can tell when they are hurting because they are so good at hiding it with the fake smile they plaster on their faces, but when they go home, they look into the mirror and drop their mask and finally be real to themselves if not to the world. This pandemic has caused so many to go through it and not know that there are others going through the exact same thing. Thinking you are all alone has to be one of the worst things because no one can relate to the same problem or to share this with as well as how to cope and deal with it. The overwhelming feeling inside is sometimes nauseating. during the beginning of the quarantine, some saw this is an opportunity to either start getting mentally and physically better or worse. Working out and eating healthy whilst going through a social media detox and reading more books and spending more time with family and taking in new hobbies were the ones who went for a "glow up" as they call it, the ones who detoriatrated on the other hand started eating junk food more and putting on some extra weight (which is not bad but it is better to stay healthy) whilst staying on the couch most of the time and not moving whilst being on social media 24/7 which was mentally destroying. the objective of trying this new change is to get better and to go through quarantine with ease and to stay sane in the process and not to demotivate others into giving up. Ask yourself something, what was one of the things that helped you go through the pandemic? was it music? reading a book? trying new things? did it make you happy in the process? then continue doing it. It is well known that last year was one of the worst year of our lives, but maybe some think otherwise. Why? why don't we all think and take in the positives from it? we always seem to overlook the good when something bad happens. there is always a reason.

A sad smile is still a smileTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon